Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
The European Union is giving its views on Egypt:
Europe Leaders Call for Faster Transition in Egypt
Published: February 2, 2011…
“The transition needs to be rapid and credible and it needs to start now,” Prime Minister David Cameron told parliament on Wednesday…
A spokesman for President Nicolas Sarkozy told reporters that Mr. Sarkozy “reiterates his wish to see a concrete transition process start without delay, in response to a desire for change and renewal so strongly expressed by the population. He calls on all Egyptian authorities to do everything to ensure that this crucial process takes place without violence.”
Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said in Berlin that Mr. Mubarak’s promise not to seek another term “frees the way for a political new beginning.”…
European Union
The union’s chief foreign policy official, Catherine Ashton, issued a statement in Brussels saying Mr. Mubarak’s promise was a step in the right direction, but that his new cabinet did not constitute a representative government. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/03/world/middleeast/03react.html?src=twrhp
There are comments from one particular leader that I would like to add:
Germany’s defense minister, Karl-Theodor Guttenberg, warned that the popular uprising that began in Tunisia last month and spread to Egypt this week could go viral in the Arab world.
“There is a risk of an infectious momentum,” he said. “There’s a chance for stabilizing the region, but the people who are asking for their rights need to get [them].”
Of course, we in the Living Church of God have long taught that a more unified Arab world would develop and ultimately support one known as the final King of the South.
Of course, we also teach that a powerful army led by a “strongman” would ultimately arise in Europe. And this will be fulfilled by a single leader, known as the Beast in Revelation 13 & 17 and the final King of the North in Daniel 11. The Bible shows that the other leaders in Europe will give their power to him (Revelation 17:12-14) and that he will lead a military machine that will cause the rest of the world to marvel at (Revelation 13:3-4).
As regular readers of this page are aware, I have had my eye on Karl Guttenberg since late 2009. And he may be one to watch to rise up as the final “King of the North”.
As I wrote before, if Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is part of a major Middle East peace deal, if he establishes armies (or a great army), and if he establishes something like a new religious order within his version of the “Catholic” faith, he likely will get more people’s attention–and even more of mine. This move to increase military cooperation among the European nations is consistent with my written prediction that he may establish great armies (or a great army) some time ago. Thus, he is a person of interest.
On the other hand, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg could simply be a rising politician, like many others. And all his intentions could be fine. We will see. But Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg does seem, to me at least, to be taking the types of steps that one who could possibly be the final King of the North would actually take. More may pay attention to him if the problems in Egypt spill over into more Arab countries.
As far as the King of the South goes, while I am not sure who he may be by name, I believe he will be considered to be a devout Muslim. He may have some affiliation with existing groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, or perhaps some smaller group that “will go viral” in the Arab world. Notice one news report that seems supportive of this view:
While Islam is the predominate religion, radical Muslims are outnumbered by secular Muslims. But Doyle says, “In times of desperation, people put back and retreat and get more established into their religion, so we have seen secular, moderate Muslims switch in just a minute when things were on the line.” http://www.mnnonline.org/article/15304
Protests, especially if they lead to secular governments that also are perceived as corrupt, are likely to ultimately result in people turning to a more religious government, as well as sometimes to more violence.
There are violent protests in Egypt:
Los Angeles Times – Laura King, Borzou Daragahi – 2 February 2011
Fighting erupts in Tahrir Square as anti-government demonstrators and supporters of President Hosni Mubarak throw rocks and brandish clubs.
Violence often leads to militaristic leaders rising up. Notice that one leader in the Muslim Brotherhood is calling for preparation for international violence:
Well, that was fast. Reflecting the growing prospect that events in Cairo will not have a happy ending, a top member of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood says, “The people should be prepared for war against Israel.”
Another Middle East nation, Syria, may also have issues:
While President Bashar al-Assad has declared that his nation is immune from the kinds of mass protests taking place in Egypt, Syria is looking more and more like a prime candidate to be the next Arab government to confront its own restless population.
The reality is no Arab country is exempt, and it seems the young Syrian dictator is aware of that fact – and is nervous. Suddenly, Assad is offering, after more than a decade in power, to take steps towards political reform. But free elections, human rights protections, and other democratic values are not found in the Assad family governance guidebook.
With the changes of the cabinets in both Egypt and Jordan in the past week, the protests in Yemen and Tunisia, and the likely continuation of increases in food prices, events in the Middle East are lining up for major change. And a pan-Arabic King of the South leader will ultimately become the leader of that region.
Watch (cf. Mark 13:37).
Some articles of possibly related interest may include:
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? What MUST happen BEFORE the Great Tribulation?
Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North? Is the German Defense Minister one to watch? What do Catholic, Byzantine, and biblical prophecies suggest?
Is There A Future King of the South? Some no longer believe there needs to be. Might Egypt, Islam, Iran, Arabs, or Ethiopia be involved? Might this King be called the Mahdi? What does the Bible say?
The Arab and Islamic World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi? What lies ahead for Turkey, Iran, and the other non-Arabic Muslims?
Africa: Its Biblical Past and Prophesied Future What does the Bible teach about Africa and its future? Did the early Church reach Africa? Will God call all the Africans?