Don’t be fooled about Iran’s nuclear intentions
Monday, September 30th, 2013
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Has Iran’s nuclear stance changed? Does it only have peaceful nuclear plans? Some doubt that:
Don’t Be Fooled by Iran’s Charming New Leader
30 September 2013
There are two main reasons to doubt the possibility of an Iran-U.S. rapprochement, an idea that gained new life after Iran’s charm offensive at the United Nations last week and a phone call between the presidents of the two countries on Sept. 27. The first is general to the Middle East, the second is specific to Iran.
The general reason is easy to understand, and all-encompassing: Nothing at all works in the Middle East, so why should the U.S. find success convincing Iran to give up its nuclear program in exchange for lifting sanctions?…
The second reason is specific to Iran’s actions last week. Many people are forgetting that Hassan Rouhani, the president of Iran and the commander of Operation Offensive Charm, is a moderate only in comparison to his predecessor, the unhinged Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Rouhani has been a superior soldier for Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, a defender of the regime, and an anti-American propagandist for much of his professional life. (Not often mentioned during last week’s love-in was Rouhani’s post-Sept. 11 commentary, in which he blamed the attacks on the “wrongs and mistakes of American policies,” and argued that the U.S. Air Force shot down Flight 93, which crashed in the Pennsylvania countryside.)
There’s no proof yet that Rouhani’s ultimate goals for Iran are different than those of the hardliners. Let’s look at what he didn’t do at the UN last week: He not only refused to comply with the many Security Council resolutions demanding that Iran cease all uranium-enrichment activities, he also refused to endorse the idea that Iran is obligated to pay any attention to the Security Council’s wishes.
Notice also the following:
President Obama could be hanging his hopes for productive nuclear negotiations with Iran on a hoax, according to one Middle East-focused think tank.
On Friday, Obama cited a “fatwa,” or religious edict, from Iran’s all-powerful Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, banning the pursuit of nuclear weapons.
“I do believe that there is a basis for a resolution [because] Iran’s Supreme Leader has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons,” Obama told reporters.
But although talk of such a fatwa has been around for at least eight years, there’s no evidence it was ever issued, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, which flatly called the fatwa a hoax. MEMRI claims the phony fatwa is promoted by Iranian diplomats and Turkey’s Islamist prime minister, Recep Erdogan.
“There is no such fatwa. It is a lie from the Iranians, a deception, and it is tragic that President Obama has endorsed it,” MEMRI Founder and President Yigal Carmon told…
The fatwa’s existence appears to date back to 2005, when it was cited by an Iranian diplomat. In a 2012 Washington Post op-ed by Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, it was cited again, without a link or other documentation.
In April 2012, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking at a NATO conference, cited the supposed fatwa, but with a degree of skepticism.
It was reported that many years ago, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei endorsed getting nuclear weapons to help set the way for a leader commonly referred to as the Imam Mahdi to arrive (Khamenei Has Claimed Iranian Nuclear Weapons Need for the Arrival of the 12th Imam).
What Ayatollah Khamenei’s personal view of nuclear weapons truly is can be debated, but few in Israel and elsewhere have a lot of trust in his words that suggest Iran only is pursuing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Though a more significant Islamic power will rise up for a short while in the 21st century, this power will not not be Iranian and will not last (Daniel 11:40-43). Ayatollah Khamenei should consider more of what the Bible says as Iran is not the going to be the primary instrument to truly make that happen.
Yet, also ignoring certain portions of scripture, Iran’s last president publicly stated that the purpose of the Iranian revolution was to prepare the way for an Islamic leader, the Imam Mahdi, also called the the 12th Imam, to rise up (this was several years ago, but he still seems to believe it). This Imam Mahdi sounds a lot like the final King of the South that the Bible warns against (though the actual one that many Shi’ites expect from “suspended animation” is not likely to be that King, but a Mahdi belief will likely be a factor in getting the final King of the South). A while back, Iran’s former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed that it was the Imam Mahdi who was behind the revolutions in the various Arab lands as well as other events in the world (see Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: World Order About to Collapse, Mahdi Behind it).
Until the King of the South rises finally up, I would not be surprised if Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria get together to cause additional trouble (including possible war) with Israel as a means of hoping to provoke the rise of the Imam Mahdi, as well as to hope to get the Arab states to support the Iranian version of Shi’ite Islam (most of the Arab nations are mainly Sunni Islam). And while that latter item won’t happen as Iran seems to envision, it certainly may get the Arab states in more of a mood to cooperate closer. A nuclear-armed Iran, or an Iran that Israel suspects is about to be nuclear-armed could trigger a regional conflict that could have major ramifications.
The USA may wish to reconsider what Iran is doing.
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