Archive for March, 2014

Celente claims USA is trying to destroy Russia; Russian-believed malware impacting Ukraine and USA

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Ouroboros from Greek mythology


Forecaster Gerald Celente made some comments related to what he feels that the USA is trying to do through its position on Ukraine.  A reader sent me a link to the following:

As the world edges closer to war, today the top trends forecaster in the world told King World News that the United States is now attempting to destroy Russia.  Celente laid out the astonishing details as he takes KWN readers around the world on a trip down the rabbit hole of what is really happening in Ukraine.  Below is what Gerald Celente, founder of Trends Research and the man considered to be the top trends forecaster in the world, had to say in this remarkable and timely interview.

Celente:  “The big story of course is what’s going on in Ukraine, and the back-and-forth between Russia and the West.  This is a very volatile situation and it’s been in the works for a long time.  This is really more about the United States and the European Union moving into those eastern European countries that used to be under the Soviet bloc.  It’s not going to have a happy ending….

Just look at the comments coming out of Russia, particularly those by Vladimir Yakunin, who was the former senior diplomat that now heads the Russian rail system.  Yakunin said:

“We are witnessing a large geopolitical game in which the game is the destruction of Russia as a geopolitical opponent of the United States, or of its global financial oligarchy.”

When you listen to Ms. Nuland in Washington D.C. on December 13th, 2013, at the National Press Club, an event sponsored by Chevron, you can really start putting the pieces together and seeing that what Mr. Yakunin is saying something that people should be paying attention to.  Russia is not going to bow to the pressures of the West.  So Russia may become much more militaristic and much more defensive in trying to stave off what Yakunin says is a global financial oligarchy.

While I will not comment if the USA is trying to destroy Russia per se, I will state that the USA’s position related to Ukraine does seem, at least partially, to be based on how it views Russia.

Russia seems to believe that the crisis in Ukraine was somewhat of a set up:

March 8, 2014

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said the crisis in Ukraine was “created artificially for purely geopolitical reasons”.

He confirmed Russia had contacts with Ukraine’s interim government but said Kiev was beholden to the radical right.

Russia, he said, was open to further dialogue with the West if it was “honest and partner-like”.

Meanwhile, Russia’s deputy foreign minister has held talks with Ukraine’s ambassador in Moscow…

Mr Lavrov warned the US not to take “hasty and reckless steps” in response to the crisis in Crimea…Both the US and EU have threatened Moscow with sanctions.

I received a couple of emails about activities that some feel that Russia has been engaged in against Ukraine as well as a way it supposedly can spy on the USA related to a malware virus known as Ouroboros:

An aggressive cyber weapon called Snake has infected dozens of Ukrainian computer networks including government systems in one of the most sophisticated attacks of recent years.

Also known as Ouroboros, after the serpent of Greek mythology that swallowed its own tail, experts say it is comparable in its complexity with Stuxnet, the malware that was found to have disrupted Iran’s uranium enrichment programme in 2010.

The cyber weapon has been deployed most aggressively since the start of last year ahead of protests that climaxed two weeks ago with the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovich’s government.

Ouroboros gives its operators unfettered access to networks for surveillance purposes. But it can also act as a highly advanced “digital beachhead” that could destroy computer networks with wide-ranging repercussions for the public.

Cyber warfare experts have long warned that digital weapons could shut off civilian power or water supplies, cripple banks or even blow up industrial sites that depend on computer-controlled safety programmes.

The origins of Ouroboros remain unclear, but its programmers appear to have developed it in a GMT+4 timezone – which encompasses Moscow – according to clues left in the code, parts of which also contain fragments of Russian text. It is believed to be an upgrade of the Agent. BTZ attack that penetrated US military systems in 2008.

Russian Uroburos Malware Devours American Files

The Ouroboros of classical antiquity was a serpent locked in a perpetual cycle devouring its own tail. Taking a page out of the old wyrm’s book, the Uroburos malware seeks to engulf whole networks, possibly as part of a Russian espionage plot against the United States.

Although Uroburos seems to have been around since 2011, researchers at the German security firm G Data discovered it only recently. In a blog post, G Data describes the Uroburos rootkit, which burrows deep into a Windows operating systems, steals files and transmits them back to its overseers.

What makes Uroburos interesting is that it appears to be built to target high-security installations. The malware requires an Internet connection to transmit data, but not to spread. As long as computers are connected via a network, Uroburos can replicate itself and funnel files back to an Internet-connected system for transmission.

One slight consolation is that everyday users probably need not worry about Uroburos. Because of its complexity, its designers probably want it to target government and corporate installations rather than individual users. On the flip side, the malware is extremely difficult to detect and researchers are still not certain about how it spreads.

G Data asserts that the advanced rootkit is very similar to another one called Agent.BTZ that made the rounds against the U.S. government in 2008. Combined with a Russian-language piece of Uroburos code, these similarities suggest that the creators of the malware are either Russian, or wish to pin the blame on Russians.,news-18400.html

While it is not certain that Ouroboros is a Russian government sanctioned program, many suspect that it is.  Of course, governments such as the USA have a cyberwar department and have various forms of malware and items inserted in software codes for surveillance.  Countries seem to feel that this type of warfare is acceptable when they often pretend that they get along with others they are spying on.

Throughout the gospels, Jesus repeatedly condemned hypocrites (Matthew 6:2,5,16; 15:7; 16:3; 23:13-29; Mark 7:6; Luke 11:44; 12:1, 56). Hypocrisy was also condemned by various apostles (Romans 12:9; Galatians 2:13; 1 Timothy 4:2; James 3:17; 1 Peter 2:1).

Getting to the immediate crisis in Ukraine itself, the following was in the news today:

March 08, 2014

Ukraine’s acting foreign minister has called for a diplomatic resolution and a peaceful end to the crisis in Ukraine. Andrii Deshchytsia said Saturday in Kyiv a diplomatic resolution is “our priority.”

He said Ukraine was open to any possibility that leads to “concrete results,” but he emphasized that “Crimea is and will be Ukrainian territory.”…

Possible impact on START inspections

Russia may suspend nuclear arms inspections set down in a treaty with the United States in reaction to Western sanctions over Ukraine, Russian news agencies quoted an unnamed Defense Ministry source on Saturday as saying.

The source, according to Reuters, said the ministry was studying the possibility of  suspending on-site inspections agreed in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) between Moscow and Washington.

The United States suspended military cooperation such as
joint exercises and port visits with Russia on Monday as Washington sought ways to punish Moscow over its intervention in Ukraine without escalating the crisis…

Obama discusses situation with Merkel

U.S. President Barack Obama spoke with German Chancellor Angela Merkel Friday about the crisis in Ukraine.

The White House said in a statement the president agreed with European leaders on the need for Russia to pull back its forces, allow for the deployment of international observers and human rights monitors to Crimea, and support free and fair presidential elections in May…

Also Friday, Ukraine’s Interim President Oleksandr Turchynov signed a decree canceling a planned referendum on Crimea joining Russia.

A day earlier, Crimea’s Moscow-backed legislature voted for the peninsula to become part of Russia and scheduled a referendum on the issue for March 16.

Ukraine’s interim prime minister said that “no one in the civilized world” would recognize the referendum’s results.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk said he wanted to “warn separatists” and others he described as “traitors of the Ukrainian state” that their decisions were “unlawful” and “unconstitutional.” U.S. and European leaders also called the referendum illegal.

Crimean officials fired back Friday, saying the vote will go forward.

Russia’s view of a peaceful solution seems to be to stay in Crimea and wait for a vote that it hopes will allow it to claim that the Crimeans are sanctioning separation from Ukraine. Notice also the following report from the Russian press, Voice of Russia (VR),quoting someone from Finland:

March 8, 2014

“I am sure that Crimea will now legally through democratic referendum join Russia and it certainly complies with international law. Here we have to understand that in this situation there has been violent coup which has been sponsored by the USA and European Union and the countries of European Union. With this coup they have de facto the constitution of Ukraine that is not enforced anymore.”

This is what Jon Hellevig, a Finnish lawyer, said in an interview with the VR:

Crimea was Russian territory until about 60 years ago, so the Russians would seem to have a different view than many in Kiev/Kyiv do.  Russia also seems to wish to try to counter sanctions from the USA through a variety of counter moves.  Russia seems very serious about Crimea, but it is not clear that the government of USA holds this issue nearly as important, despite rhetoric.

The Germans, on the other hand, are highly concerned about the situation with Ukraine and Crimea for many reasons, including their relationship with Russia.  I believe that the crisis in Ukraine will result in the Europeans concluding that in the long run, they will want to develop a sufficient military deterrent so that they will not be dependent upon the military might of the USA if they wish to stand up against the Russians.  This, however, will not turn out well for the USA (Daniel 11:39), nor eventually for the Europeans (Jeremiah 51:11-32).

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Russia and Ukraine: Origins and Prophesied Future Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? You can also watch the new video Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
The Eurasian Union, the Kings of the East, and Bible Prophecy Is there a Eurasian union that will be formed? Is one being formed right now? Are any leaders working on that in the 21st century? Does the Bible teach that there will be a Eurasian union? If some type of Eurasian union is formed, who might it benefit and who will it destroy? A related video would be Is The Eurasian Union Rising?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
European Technology and the Beast of Revelation Will the coming European Beast power would use and develop technology that will result in the taking over of the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies? Is this possible? What does the Bible teach?
The Snowden Leaks are Leading to the Destruction of the USA Can what happened with the leaks of what the NSA has done help the USA to be taken over? What does the Bible teach that seems to be related to this? Here is a related YouTube video titled Are the Snowden NSA leaks leading to the destruction of the USA?
Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2021 or 20xx? There is also a video titled The 6000 Year Plan: Is the end of humanity’s reign almost up?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2014, 2015, or 2016? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2013 o 2014? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language video The Great Tribulation Will Not Begin Before 2017.
Blood Moons and Prophecy There are four ‘blood moons’ expected in 2014 and 2015. Do they signal the Day of the Lord or the return of Jesus Christ? A related YouTube video is also available: Blood Moons, Prophecy, 2014, and 2015.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.
Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
British are the Covenant People What do ‘British’ and ‘Britain’ mean in Hebrew? Are the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons people of the covenant? Does the British royal family connect to the throne of David? What does the Bible teach? What does history show us? Is there any DNA evidence related to British-Israelism? When did Christianity make it to the British Isles? Could Jeremiah have made it to the British Isles? What type of Christians made it to the British Isles? Did the last King of England believe in British Israelism?
Prophecies of Barack Obama? Reasons why Barack Obama is apocalyptic and reasons why Barack Obama is not the Antichrist. This article includes many biblical and non-biblical prophecies, from around the world, that seem to discuss Barack Obama. Did Nostradamus predict Barack Obama dealing with the Antichrist?  Might Barack Obama set the stage for the kings of the North and South as at least one Shiite prophecy suggests?  Read it and decide for yourself if President Obama seems to be fulfilling various prophecies. Watch also the YouTube Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.

Upskirt photos now illegal in Massachusetts

Saturday, March 8th, 2014


The Governor of the State of Massachusetts signed a new law making upskirt photographs illegal:

(CNN) — Modern-day peeping Toms in Massachusetts, the sorts who get their thrills snapping “upskirt” photos on crowded subways, now have their behavior criminalized.

Gov. Deval Patrick signed a bill Friday, according to his office, making photographing or recording video under a person’s clothing — think down a blouse or up a skirt — a misdemeanor.

“The legislation makes the secret photographing, videotaping, or electronically surveiling of another person’s sexual or other intimate parts, whether under or around a person’s clothing or when a reasonable person would believe that the person’s intimate parts would not be visible to the public, a crime,” Patrick’s office said in a prepared statement.

The crime is punishable by up 2½ years in jail or a fine of up to $5,000.

In addition, the law states that “whoever videotapes or photographs, with the intent to secretly conduct or hide such activity, the sexual or other intimate parts of a child” faces a sentence of 2½ to 5 years and up to a $5,000 fine. The law goes into effect immediately.

Why the need for the law?  As I reported a couple of days ago, the Supreme Judicial Court in Massachusetts ruled this week that upskirt photos were legal.  Here was a news source I cited then:

“A female passenger on a MBTA trolley who is wearing a skirt, dress, or the like covering these parts of her body is not a person who is `partially nude,’ no matter what is or is not underneath the skirt by way of underwear or other clothing,” the court said in its ruling.State law “does not apply to photographing (or videotaping or electronically surveilling) persons who are fully clothed and, in particular, does not reach the type of upskirting that the defendant is charged with attempting to accomplish on the MBTA,” the court said.

Apparently, there was no right of privacy for females wearing skirts as far as the Supreme Judicial Court was concerned.

I wrote that this was an outrage and that hopefully, some wiser heads would prevail and make ‘upskirt’ photographs illegal (see Upskirt photos not deemed to be illegal!).  It has happened.

But one must have to seriously question the logic and moral bearings of supposedly educated people who were part of the Supreme Judicial Court in Massachusetts that previously ruled otherwise.  The Bible talks of those that “did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:21-22).

The ‘upskirt’ decision by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts is not the only morally wrong one this year.  More and more we are seeing courts make decisions that should be obviously morally wrong as well as often unconstitutional.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Pornography: A scourge on society Is pornography harmless fun? Does the Bible teach anything about it? What are the views of some involved with it? Here is a link to a YouTube video Pornography: Harmless Fun or a Scourge on Society?
British and American Moral Decay Public nudity is becoming more prevalent in the Anglo-Saxon lands. What are some of the consequences?
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel
Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.
Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
Can those in the USA/UK see the Handwriting on the Wall? Is everything fine in the USA/UK or is it like the days of Noah? Can we learn from the handwriting that appeared on a wall thousands of years ago? Here is a link to a related YouTube video Can you see the ‘Handwriting on the Wall’?
The Snowden Leaks are Leading to the Destruction of the USA Can what happened with the leaks of what the NSA has done help the USA to be taken over? What does the Bible teach that seems to be related to this? Here is a related YouTube video titled Are the Snowden NSA leaks leading to the destruction of the USA?
Just What Do You Mean — Repentance? Do you know what repentance is? Have you truly repented? Repented of what? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject.
When You Sin: Do You Really Repent? This is an article by Charles F. Hunting.
Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2021 or 20xx? There is also a video titled The 6000 Year Plan: Is the end of humanity’s reign almost up?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2014, 2015, or 2016? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2013 o 2014? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language video The Great Tribulation Will Not Begin Before 2017.

Sermon: Race and Grace: Do you view race as God does?

Saturday, March 8th, 2014


The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce its latest sermon: Confess to God and truly repent, which is at its ContinuingCOG channel.


Race and Grace; Do you view race as God does?

Some have suggested that God grants more grace to the descendants of Israel than to Gentiles. Is that true? Is there Anglo-Israelite superiority with God? What is God’s plan for those Gentiles that are not Israelites? Have antisemitic views affected those in the Church of God? How have Catholic and Protestant leaders viewed Jews? Who have been declared ‘secret Jews”? How might those in the Church of God be affected in the end times? How are we saved? What does the Continuing Church of God teach about race, reaching people, and salvation? Here is a link to that sermon: Race and Grace: Do you view race as God does?

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

God’s Grace is For All Is being Jewish a hindrance to salvation? What about not being a descendant of Israel? What does the Bible really teach? Here is a link to a related sermon titled Race and Grace; Do you view race as God does?
When You Sin: Do You Really Repent? This is an article by Charles F. Hunting. A related sermon is Confess to God and truly repent .
History of Auricular Confession and the ‘Sacrament of Confession’ Did early Christians confess their sins to priests?
Faith for those God has Called and Chosen What is faith? Can faith be increased? Are you saved by faith? What about works? Do Christians need to keep the Ten Commandments? What is the ‘faith chapter’? How do the just live by faith? Is faith one of the weightier matters of the law? How does faith come? Here is a link to a related sermon titled: Faith for the Called and Chosen. Here is a link to shorter version of the written article in Mandarin Chinese 一篇关于信仰的小文章
Living as a Christian: How and Why? In what ways do Christians live differently than others. What about praying, fasting, tithing, holy days, and the world? There is also a YouTube video related to that also called: Living as a Christian: How and Why?
What is Your Destiny? or watch the video, also titled What is Your Destiny?
What is the Meaning of Life? Who does God say is happy? What is your ultimate destiny? Do you really know? Does God actually have a plan for YOU personally? There is also a video titled What is the meaning of your life?
Just What Do You Mean — Repentance? Do you know what repentance is? Have you truly repented? Repented of what? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject.
Do Christians Sin? This is an article by Herbert W. Armstrong.
Overcoming Sin What is sin? How are Christians suppose to overcome it? Here is a link to a version in Mandarin Chinese: 克服是重要的. Here is also a link to a video in English titled How to Overcome Sin.
ContinuingCOG channel. Dr. Thiel has produced YouTube video sermons for this channel. Note: Since these are sermon-length, they can take a little longer to load than other YouTube videos.

Some are blasting the USA’s hypocrisy related to Russia and Ukraine; Kremlin signals it is willing to annex Crimea

Friday, March 7th, 2014

White House (Mark Wade photo)


Various ones are pointing out what they feel is hypocrisy related to the USA’s position related to Ukraine and Russia:

March 07, 2014

(CNN) — All the self-righteous huffing and puffing in Washington over Ukraine jars on European and especially Russian ears after the multiple U.S.-led invasions and interventions in other people’s countries of recent years. It’s difficult to say what is more astonishing: the double standards exhibited by the White House, or the apparent total lack of self-awareness of U.S. officials…

U.S. President Barack Obama, a former law professor who should know better, has charged Vladimir Putin, his Russian counterpart, with violating Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, in breach of international law.

But it is Obama, following in Bush’s footsteps, who has repeatedly and cynically flouted international law by launching or backing myriad armed attacks on foreign soil, in Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan to name a few, without U.N. security council authorization. It is Obama’s administration which continues to undermine international law by refusing to join or recognize the International Criminal Court, the most important instrument of international justice to have been developed since 1945.

And it is Obama’s State Department, principally in the person of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, that fatally overplayed its hand in the run-up to last month’s second Ukraine revolution. Nuland’s infamous “… the EU” comment revealed the extent to which Washington was recklessly maneuvering to undermine Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych, by backing the Kiev street protesters’ demands.

The EU had wanted to take things more gradually, for fear of provoking the very Russian reaction to which the U.S. now so strongly objects…

Putin is in no hurry to back off or back down. He has his tail up after a fortnight in which he exposed the hypocrisy and hollowness of much of western policy and politicians. His behavior, especially in Crimea, has been dangerous, wrong-headed and irresponsible in the extreme… But it was not unprovoked.

Having worked in Ukraine over some years, including one when inflation was 11,000%, when the west and international financial agencies imposed “shock therapy” after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the hypocrisy in the posturing of various outsiders today is chilling. Of course, we should all want non-intervention by Vladimir Putin

Mr Putin is defending the Russian majority, settled in Crimea centuries ago by Catherine the Great, who feel threatened by rightwing elements in Ukraine who have passed a law denigrating the use of the Russian language, and threatening their Orthodox religion.

The threat of Russian intervention in Ukraine has caused American lawyers and diplomats to raise their voices about the legality of Russian military action in Ukraine. These complaints, however, are based more on political rhetoric and posturing than on an understanding of international law.

Americans who supported ostensibly illegal action against the people of Afghanistan and the people of Iraq that left an estimated 3 million Afghanis and Iraqis dead and whose perpetrators have gone with almost complete immunity are now claiming that Russia is following their example. Well, not exactly. Actually they are claiming that America was right and that Russia is wrong. Another more objective way of putting it is that these American lawyers and diplomats are claiming exceptionalism to international law while trying to argue that their version of international law applies to Russia. In other words, what the United States did to Afghanistan and Iraq, other can’t do to friends of the United States, even if the others are acting within the ambit of international law, when the United States was not.

Such hypocrisy is dangerous to the development and application of international law and to the international community as a whole. It is dangerous because it misinterprets international law and intentionally misleads the international community about what international is, how it comes about, and how it works…Examples of the use of force by the United States bring the hypocritical and misleading use of international law by the United States in to clearer focus.

The request by the legitimate President Yanukovich and the government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to bring a limited contingent of Russian forces into the region to ensure the safety of ethnic Russian citizens living within Crimean territory is a reasonable request in light of the chaotic socio-political situation currently facing Ukraine. It should be understood that the movements of Russian forces in Crimea have been entirely lawful, and within legal boundaries established by existing security pacts with Ukraine. For western capitals to threaten sanctions and accuse Russia of a belligerent ‘invasion’ of Ukraine is completely unjustifiable, and tinged with political bias.

US Secretary of State John Kerry’s statements alluding to Russia behaving like a 19th century power by ‘invading’ Ukraine on a trumped up pretext encapsulates Washington’s infinite potential for hypocritical double standards and pathological dishonesty. The egregious violations of international law by the United States and its NATO allies are abundant and need not be evoked to rebut Kerry’s desperate and deceptive accusation.

There are several issues here.  One is that those in Ukraine are suffering because of all of this, and the USA does seem to wish to help–at least in ways that the USA believes it will benefit.

However, the USA does have a problem with hypocrisy.  And although so do other nations, including Russia (one or two news reporters in Russia have somewhat indicated that), notice the following prophecy:

5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.

6 I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.

7 Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so; but it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few.

8 For he saith, Are not my princes altogether kings?

9 Is not Calno as Carchemish? is not Hamath as Arpad? is not Samaria as Damascus?

10 As my hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols, and whose graven images did excel them of Jerusalem and of Samaria;

11 Shall I not, as I have done unto Samaria and her idols, so do to Jerusalem and her idols?  (Isaiah 10:5-11, KJV)

Some of the above prophecy is directed against the USA, which seems to be referred to as Samaria in certain biblical prophecies.

Throughout the gospels, Jesus repeatedly condemned hypocrites (Matthew 6:2,5,16; 15:7; 16:3; 23:13-29; Mark 7:6; Luke 11:44; 12:1, 56).  Hypocrisy was also condemned by various apostles (Romans 12:9; Galatians 2:13; 1 Timothy 4:2; James 3:17; 1 Peter 2:1).

Destruction will come to the hypocritical (Isaiah 10:6, KJV).  The USA has partially lost the ‘pride of its power’ (cf. Leviticus 26:19) because of its hypocrisy in many international matters, including espionage (see, for example, The Snowden Leaks are Leading to the Destruction of the USA).

Ukraine with Crimea in Red and Russia the grayish area to the right tip of Crimea

The Kremlin today indicated it would be willing to annex Crimea:

March 7, 2014

MOSCOW — Russia signaled for the first time on Friday that it was prepared to annex Crimea, significantly intensifying its confrontation with the West over the political crisis in Ukraine and threatening to undermine a system of respect for national boundaries that has helped keep the peace in Europe and elsewhere for decades.

Leaders of both houses of Russia’s Parliament said that they would support a vote by Crimeans to break away from Ukraine and become a region of the Russian Federation, ignoring sanctions threats and warnings from the United States and other countries that a vote for secession would violate Ukraine’s constitution and international law…

The developments underscored how quickly the crisis has evolved. Earlier this week, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had said he did not foresee the possibility of the Crimean Peninsula becoming part of Russia, but on Friday leaders of both houses of Russia’s Parliament welcomed a delegation from Crimea’s regional assembly and declared that they would support a vote to break away from Ukraine, now scheduled for March 16.

The referendum – barely a week away – has been denounced by the fledgling national government in Kiev, which said it would invalidate the outcome and dissolve the Crimean Parliament. President Obama has also rejected the referendum, and the United States government announced sanctions on Thursday in response to Russia’s de facto military occupation of the Crimean Peninsula.

Russia denounced those sanctions in a blunt rejoinder on Friday evening, posted on the Foreign Ministry website.

That, of course, is no surprise.  I did not think that if Vladimir Putin only had to put up with limited sanctions from the USA and EU that this would turn him away from wanting Crimea.  That is especially true after yesterday’s vote by the parliament there, which was unanimously in favor of Russia annexation.

While I am not supporting what Russia is doing, the Kremlin could easily argue that how the government in Kiev got rid of Ukraine’s last elected president was no less a violation of Ukraine’s constitution than Russia agreeing to accept territories that vote to be part of Russia.  Crimea, which has long had a Russian military presence, could very well be the home for one of the end time “kings of the Medes” of Bible prophecy (Jeremiah 51:11-32; watch also Ukraine in Prophecy?).

Now as far as those in most, if not all of, Ukraine go, sadly, war is in their future if they support the rising European Union or the upcoming Eurasian Union (watch the new video Ukraine in Prophecy?).  Yet, deification is in the ultimate future for most there. Those in Ukraine need our prayers and the kingdom of God.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Russia and Ukraine: Origins and Prophesied Future Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? You can also watch the new video Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
The Eurasian Union, the Kings of the East, and Bible Prophecy Is there a Eurasian union that will be formed? Is one being formed right now? Are any leaders working on that in the 21st century? Does the Bible teach that there will be a Eurasian union? If some type of Eurasian union is formed, who might it benefit and who will it destroy? A related video would be Is The Eurasian Union Rising?
What is Your Destiny? Deification? Did the Early Church Teach That Christians Would Become God? What is your ultimate destiny? What does the Bible teach? Is deification only a weird or cultic idea? Are you to rule the universe? Here is a link to the video sermon What is Your Destiny?
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God was the Emphasis of Jesus and the Early Church Did you know that? Do you even know what the gospel of the kingdom is all about? You can also see a YouTube video sermon The Gospel of the Kingdom.
Just What Do You Mean the Kingdom of God? A booklet that was written by Herbert Armstrong answers questions about the Kingdom.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
Some Similarities and Differences Between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Continuing Church of God Both groups claim to be the original church, but both groups have differing ways to claim it. Both groups have some amazing similarities and some major differences. Do you know what they are?
The Snowden Leaks are Leading to the Destruction of the USA Can what happened with the leaks of what the NSA has done help the USA to be taken over? What does the Bible teach that seems to be related to this? Here is a related YouTube video titled Are the Snowden NSA leaks leading to the destruction of the USA?
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.
Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
British are the Covenant People What do ‘British’ and ‘Britain’ mean in Hebrew? Are the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons people of the covenant? Does the British royal family connect to the throne of David? What does the Bible teach? What does history show us? Is there any DNA evidence related to British-Israelism? When did Christianity make it to the British Isles? Could Jeremiah have made it to the British Isles? What type of Christians made it to the British Isles? Did the last King of England believe in British Israelism?
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.

Australia’s worst drought, California, Ukraine, and food prices

Friday, March 7th, 2014


A reader sent me the following news item:

March 7, 2014

Almost 80 per cent of Queensland is now officially declared to be in drought – the largest area in the state’s history.

Dry southern parts of the state which haven’t seen decent rain this wet season have been added to the long list of drought declared areas, pushing up the total land area in drought from 70 per cent to 79 per cent on Friday.

Agriculture Minister John McVeigh says the drought has now reached record levels.

The drought in California is continuing:

The storms that walloped California last week slightly eased the state’s epic drought, but the state is still drastically short of moisture, the U.S. Drought Monitor reports.

“Short-term benefits from the storms were mostly offset by still-large, three-year precipitation deficits, low reservoir levels and a sub-par snowpack,” according to this week’s Drought Monitor, a federal website that tracks drought across the country.

The monitor shows that 94.56% of the state of California remains in a drought, the same as last week.

Queensland and California are both significant producers of agricultural foodstuffs.

Over in Ukraine, while weather may not be its biggest immediate problem, Ukraine is also experiencing a drought while the crisis there has also triggered concerns about the availability of some foodstuffs from that nation:

Ukraine’s Wheat, Corn Face Mounting Drought Risk, Martell Says

Winter-wheat crops and corn prospects in Ukraine face mounting risk from an intensifying drought in central and eastern areas amid political tensions with Russia, according to Martell Crop Projections.

Parts of Ukraine, projected to be the world’s third-biggest corn exporter and sixth-largest wheat shipper, got 30 percent to 50 percent of normal rain in the past four months, Martell said. Normal precipitation this spring probably won’t compensate for soil-moisture deficits of as much as 4 inches (10 centimeters).

“This is a serious drought developing,” Gail Martell, the president of the agricultural consulting company in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, said in a telephone interview. “It will take a lot of spring rain to change the pattern.”

Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula roiled grain markets this week.

Crisis in Ukraine Can Cause Wheat and Corn Prices to Rise                                                              

Notice also the following scriptures from the Book of Amos:

7 “I also withheld rain from you,
When there were still three months to the harvest.
I made it rain on one city,
I withheld rain from another city.
One part was rained upon,
And where it did not rain the part withered.
8 So two or three cities wandered to another city to drink water,
But they were not satisfied;
Yet you have not returned to Me,”
Says the Lord.

“I blasted you with blight and mildew. (Amos 4:7-9)

As the above shows, the Bible teaches that God uses weather problems to warn people to repent.

The Bible warns of food shortages and pestilences. Nearly 2000 years ago, Jesus taught:

7…And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:7-8)

We seem to be in the time Jesus called “the beginning of sorrows.”  Notice a message related to the third horseman of Revelation:

5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”  (Revelation 6:5-6)

Will weather problems cause people to turn to God? Or will they be determined to continue to turn further away from biblical morality?

The sorrows and troubles are just beginning and will get much worse. Hopefully, people will wake up. While God may end the droughts, the Bible shows that He sometimes does use weather as a warning. Various lands, in my view, are being warned.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Does God Use Weather? Are weather calamities totally random? Does God control the weather? What does the Bible say? Are there biblical prophecies for weather blessings and weather curses? Are those affected by hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, droughts, and floods necessarily worse sinners than those not as affect? Does God use weather to try to get people to change or repent? This is a video.
Weather Blessings and Sorrows Are weather problems a warning? What should be done?
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse What do each of the four horseman of the Apocalypse represent? Have they began their ride? Did Jesus discuss the any of this? Might their rides coincide with the “beginning of sorrows? Do they start their ride prior to the Great Tribulation? Did Nostradamus or any other ‘private prophets’ write predictions that may mislead people so that they may not understand the truth of one or more of the four horseman? There is also a related YouTube video titled The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Just What Do You Mean — Repentance? Do you know what repentance is? Have you truly repented? Repented of what? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject.
GMOs and Bible Prophecy What are GMOs? Since they were not in the food supply until 1994, how could they possibly relate to Bible prophecy? Do GMOs put the USA and others at risk? Here is a related YouTube video GMO Risks and the Bible.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2014, 2015, or 2016? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2013 o 2014? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language video The Great Tribulation Will Not Begin Before 2017.
Physical Preparation Scriptures for Christians. We all know the Bible prophecies famines. Should we do something?
Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future Russia in prophecy. Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? There is also a video available: Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Watch also the YouTube Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.

Christian COG: Observed or calculated calendar?

Friday, March 7th, 2014

Older Hebrew Calendar


Rich Traver, once in WCG and later in UCG, and now of Christian Church of God, Grand Junction, sent me the following:

Fundamentals of the Calendar

Various religious groups put forth opinions about the calendar.  Those positions can be divisive and can create dismissive attitudes that discourage fellowship among like believers.  Where those opinions can be especially counterproductive is when people take the position that THEIR views are the only right way and all others are corrupt or false and their people not worthy of fellowship.

Perhaps the underlying premise that is the cause of polarizations among and between believers is when groups take the position that the calendar itself is a religious institution.  Many believe that the calendar was given through Moses, that all matters related to correct calendar determination began with Moses and are found in the words of Scripture.  From that basis, it’s easy to see how such drastic and hard-set opinions are formed.

When Did the Calendar Originate?

In practical fact, there was a calendar in use long before the time of Moses.  The idea that a calendar can be determined exclusively through the writings of Moses is faulty.  In fact, detailed references are sparse!  We have Biblical evidence that there was a calendar in use at the time of Noah (some 900 years before Moses) which Moses acknowledged when compiling the records of the flood. (Genesis 8)  Moses would not have made such specific mention of the precise dates of the milestone events of the Flood if they were not relevant to the people reading his accounts in later generations.  Other scriptures, such as the book of Job (which may have been written prior to the time of Jacob, perhaps Job was even a contemporary of Abraham), show that astronomical sciences were highly developed in ancient times.  (Job 9:9 & 38:31-33)  Job KNEW of these astronomical phenomena which Yahweh challenged him with.  Yes, Job had knowledge of them, but God had placed them and had them in His control.

The point here is that we have clear evidence from many sources that a calendar existed from the beginning of time, and a calendar was seen as important to the planting of crops and to the all-important harvest seasons.  What we need to acknowledge is the fact that there was a calendar in existence for some 2500 years prior to Moses and the Exodus.  It did not come into existence only at the time of Moses.  It was recognized that it was important to plant only in the proper season and to harvest in the proper season.  Much evidence also exists in archaeological history to show that the movements of the sun and moon and constellations were followed and carefully charted in most cultures, including ancient Europe and North America. [1]  Enduring monuments were built to chart the courses of the sun and moon.  Astronomical science was the most highly advanced field of study in ancient times. The calendar is not a new thing.  It was already very ancient when Moses was born.

How Was the Calendar Conceived?

But, what methods were used to create the basic calendar in the earliest generations of man?  Genesis 1:14-19 presents the fact that the visible heavenly bodies and their movements were the basis from which the calendar was formed from Creation forward.

The sun determines night and day.  According to the first chapter of Genesis, the evening begins each day.  The moon‘s phases were the basis for determining months.  The heavenly display as seen in the positions of the stars (constellations) was one method used to determine the start of each new year.  It was not the only one.

Theologians may speculate why there is so little definitive information provided in the pages of Scripture describing how to create the calendar.  It may be explained that there had been a calendar in use for all those many centuries.   Why was there any need to instruct mankind on what they had always been doing?

Calculating the Known

This brings us to another consideration.  With mankind charting the movements of the sun and moon for so many generations, it became possible to know accurately just when a new moon would occur, even though it may not actually be visible due to clouds or haze.  Thus, calculated methods could have been used anciently, and likely would have been used when there was need to do so.   At what point in history calculated methods were first employed in ceremonial observances is a matter of certain dispute.  However, it’s relatively certain that Israel’s first century Priesthood employed observational and calculated methods together in conjunction with one another.

There WAS a Change!

What we DO find different in the Mosaic Calendar, based on God’s instructions, was the use of the readiness of grains for harvesting as the basis for determining which month is to be regarded as the first month of each new year.  That instruction was given to Moses in Exodus 12:2.  This was something new!  The reason for this change was to positively reorient the religious year to their agricultural harvests.  The harvests present an illustration of God’s Plan for the redemption of humanity.  There was to be an early harvest for God’s Family, one smaller than the great harvest which would come later.  Newly revealed Holy Days further emphasized the important milestones in God’s Plan for the redemption of humanity.

A Secular Instrument

Where problems arise is when men make a religion of the calendar itself.  Variations in calendar determination methods are not new.  There have always been differences of opinion as to what benchmarks ought to be employed in declaring months and annual dates.  The primary point of dispute is what is it that determines a “new moon” (the first day of a new month)?  Some say it’s the moment of the astronomical conjunction, when the sun, earth and moon are in alignment.  Others say a new moon is when the moon’s crescent is first seen on the western horizon just after sunset.  The fact that first visibility is achieved some 16 to 18 hours after a conjunction is unacceptable among those who allege “perfect accuracy”, as they define it.

But why the crescent?  It is because the average worshipper, despite his location, can see it and know when it is, rather than having to attempt to self-determine an invisible conjunction, which of itself does not resolve all questions. [2]

Occurring Where Can Matter

Within the conjunction method advocacy there are points of difference.  Some insist that the day in which a conjunction occurs is the new moon, no matter how late in the day it might occur.  Others insist that the conjunction must occur before a certain hour in order for that day to be regarded as the new moon.  Yet another position regards only the next whole day after the conjunction as a new moon day.  Those people who hold to this latter determination method are more likely to coincide with the observed visible crescent advocacy.

Yet among visible crescent method advocates there are also variations of opinion.  Some determine first crescent visibility only by an actual eye-witness sighting, while others accept calculated methods to determine when visibility is achieved, on those occasions when weather conditions aren’t suitable for an actual sighting.

Furthering the disputes is the pre-calculated calendar which attempts to predict dates of first visibility far out into the future.  Some insist that the pre-calculated calendar was produced by a reprobate priesthood and must be rejected.

Does the New Testament Matter?

While none of these above points of difference are new to this generation, we’re left to struggle with the realization that the issues didn’t warrant even the least mention in the writings of the New Testament.  May we draw a conclusion from this fact, that the matter does not warrant the degree of divisiveness many self-focused ministries place upon it?

Unwarranted Division?

Earlier it was mentioned that some men make a religion out of the Calendar itself.   Their positions are at times quite hard-set, causing divisions among believers.  Their declared Holy Days usually fall on slightly different dates, and they go on to discourage fellowship with those who observe them a day (or two) differently.  Is this division something that God’s Church ought to accept?  What was done in the earliest New Testament Church?

While the New Testament is largely silent on calendar differences, there is one passage that might have bearing.  It quotes Christ Himself, where He, in the first verses of Matthew 23, instructs the people and the disciples to “observe what the Scribes and Pharisees bid them to observe”! [3]  But aren’t these those reprobates mentioned above!?  (And Christ’s assessment of them in those following verses confirms as much, at least as it regarded their cultural and religious practices.)

Accuracy versus Unity!

Our question is, was it their accuracy that Christ was endorsing, or was it a unity of practice that was the more important consideration?   What did the hearers in that day understand Him to be saying?  Keep in mind, Matthew was written a full generation after the actual event spoken of.  If there were disputes on the matter, there were decades to address and resolve them.  But Matthew saw no need to make any qualification of Christ’s instruction.  Then, should we?

Was Christ’s instruction an endorsement of the calendar determination method in use among the religious leadership of the day?  Does this explain why there was no further dispute among early believers on the issue?  That the Temple Priest’s determinations and declarations were acceptable for general use among His true worshippers, despite perhaps the Priest’s inadequacies in other areas?  The reality is that there is evidence that Jesus Himself accepted the calendar in use in His day, which did employ calculations together with observation, a method that relied upon the visible crescent, not an invisible conjunction.

Being “User Friendly”

Another advantage of using the first visible crescent is that worshippers in the diaspora (regions far from Jerusalem) could see a crescent themselves.  This allowed them to achieve reasonable accuracy on their own without each worshipper having to be highly trained in astronomy.   Since God is not the author of confusion (1st Corinthians 14:33) simple and practical calendar methods greatly facilitated His people around the world in observing His commanded Holy Occasions in relative unity.

Why From Jerusalem?

A new moon (new month) was determined in Jerusalem by the Sanhedrin by hearing witnesses of a sighting of or calculated expectation of the occurrence of first visible crescent (even if not visible to the human eye because of haze or clouds).  The Jerusalem locale was important as that’s where the Temple and its Services were located. [4]   That will be the case once again when the Temple Services are re-established in the New Jerusalem. [5]

Is there any valid reason to employ a different method today?

[1]  Stonehenge is regarded as a monument originally created to chart the heavens after the Flood prior to its later use.  Structures in Chaco Canyon in the southwestern United States are known to accurately mark the lunar cycles.

[2]  Keep in mind, the conjunction can occur in ANY time zone.  One occurring west of Jerusalem but east of North America could cause westerners to declare a new moon a day earlier that middle easterners!

[3]  This would most likely involve establishing Holy Day dates, as they would have known when the weekly Sabbath was independently.  It wouldn’t involve following their religious practices, as reading the rest of the chapter, most of those were soundly condemned!

[4]  Keep in mind the crescent gains 12 degrees of ‘visibility’ with each 24 hour day.  A crescent may not be seen in Jerusalem but which could be seen across the Atlantic!

[5]  Revelation 15:5  The Temple will be the Millennial Worship Center.  See also Ezekiel chapters 40 through 46 which describe the Millennial Temple on earth, and see Zechariah 14:8 through 20 which show the nations ascending to Jerusalem annually to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, which pictures the Greater Harvest of Ingathering of humanity after Christ returns!

When I asked Rich Traver for permission to post the above, he wanted me to mention that he has written other information about the calendar and that the above was to address mainly a specific issue that had come up outside the USA.

The calendar issue comes up from time to time as some are confused about the calendar that the Bible uses for Holy Days.

I believe that a few key points need to be made:
  1. Modern communication methods did not exist thousands of years ago.
  2. Jesus endorsed the basic Jewish calendar (cf. Matthew 23:1-3).
  3. Jesus, who did not sin (Hebrews 4:15), observed a calculated calendar (cf. Matthew 23:1-3, etc.).
  4. Throughout history God’s people not near Jerusalem basically had to rely on a calculated calendar.
  5. Weather and other factors made a strictly observational calendar impossible for use every month.
  6. A strictly observational calendar results in people keeping Holy Days sometimes weeks differently, depending up where they are physically located.
  7. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33.

There is more information that could be provided on each of the above points, but I thought that summary could be helpful for some as we get closer to the start of the Spring Holy Day season for 2014.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Is There “An Annual Worship Calendar” In the Bible? This paper provides a biblical and historical critique of several articles, including one by the Tkach WCG which states that this should be a local decision. What do the Holy Days mean? Also you can click here for the calendar of Holy Days.
What are Postponements? This is by the late evangelist Raymond McNair and explains a lot about postponements and calculations.
Hebrew Calendar and “Postponements” This late John Ogywn writing explains why the most faithful in the Church of God use the calendar that we do and answers such questions as “Did Jesus Observe the Postponements?”
Passover and the Early Church Did the early Christians observe Passover? What did Jesus and Paul teach? Why did Jesus die for our sins?
Melito’s Homily on the Passover This is one of the earliest Christian writings about the Passover. This also includes what Apollinaris wrote on the Passover as well.
TPM: Passover on the 14th or 15th? While the real COG observes Passover on the 14th, some observe it on the 15th. Why is the 14th correct?
The Night to Be Observed What is the night to be much observed? When is it? Why do Jews keep Passover twice and emphasize the wrong date? Here is a link to a YouTube video titled The Night to Be Observed.
Should Christians Keep the Days of Unleavened Bread? Do they have any use or meaning now? What is leaven? This article supplies some biblical answers. Here is a YouTube video intended to be viewed for the first day of unleavened bread: Christians and the Days of Unleavened Bread.
The History of Early Christianity Are you aware that what most people believe is not what truly happened to the true Christian church? Do you know where the early church was based? Do you know what were the doctrines of the early church? Is your faith really based upon the truth or compromise?

UCG’s Victor Kubik on the Ukrainian situation

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

Ukraine with Crimea in Red


UCG’s President Victor Kubik sent out the following today:

Over the past few weeks the invasion of Crimea by Russia as well as the protests, violence and killing on the mall in Kiev has filled me with a grievous sadness. I have walked over that mall numerous times on visits to Kiev. This crisis strikes close to home.

I came to the United States in 1949 through my World War II refugee parents. My mother was from eastern Ukraine, my father from the west. I have no extended family in the United States. They are all in Ukraine…

I speak Ukrainian fluently…

Almost everyone I’ve talked to is holding up courageously and hoping for the best. This part of the world has known tribulation over and over again, and you can tell that the people have deep roots for coping.

They report that the conflict is psychological and is based on biased negative reporting intended to stir up and frighten the people. They see through the intimidation.

Ukrainians have different views about what’s happening as they are seeking elections to sort out the leadership and go on. The Russians report that the Ukrainian government has been taken over by terrorists and bandits. Russia is trying to provoke an incident to give reason to invade and bring “order,” an order which usually means that they plan to stay.

What’s next for Ukraine? Some are talking about a divided Ukraine with the East either being absorbed by Russia, becoming a separate state or part of a confederation of states. Western Ukraine is clearly aligned with Europe and wants nothing to do with Russia. In eastern Ukraine pro-Russian rallies are being staged. Similar ones are taking place in Donetsk, Donbas, and other eastern and southeastern areas.

My friend told me that anything through the media is “not the full story.” I told him what was reported here and he confirmed that generally it is correct, but not the full story. He was thankful for U.S. and Canadian sentiments of support and hopefully coming to closer ties with Europe in order to bring stability, but for now they are very worried and concerned.

In western Ukraine… the mood is more relaxed. People seem to be going about their regular business with no alarm in the air…

Deposed Ukrainian president Viktor Yankevich is looked upon as a corrupt and immoral person who has squandered budgeted resources and looks on the people as “little sticks” who just work for the government. Putin is regarded as an irrational and arrogant person seeking only to continue his mission of conquest.

The Sabbath-keeping churches held special prayer for God’s protection for the people and their families. They look in faith for God to deliver them as He has multiple times before 1991, when they were under the Soviet Union. The warning winds of tribulation are beginning to blow against them, and they turn earnestly to God.

I have also spoken to my cousin in eastern Ukraine who is holding his own.

What can we do about any of this? Nothing. What is God going to do? Everything.

Our daily prayer should include the element of “thy Kingdom come” that Christ listed almost at the top of model prayer: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come (Matthew 6:9-10). The time of the Kingdom of God that will remove all world governments will come, and the absurd irrational rule of despots will cease permanently.

I have spoken to Victor Kubik in the past, and knew he had visited the area and had a lot of contacts there.  Those in the western portion of Ukraine probably feel that they will have more freedom and economic prosperity if they can align with the European Union–and for a time, if that happens, they very well may–but that will end (Jeremiah 51:11-32).

The situation in Ukraine remains tense and difficult.  The Bible shows that war is in the prophesied future for some or all of Ukraine/Crimea (watch the new video Ukraine in Prophecy?).

As I have written before, those in Ukraine need our prayers and the kingdom of God.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Russia and Ukraine: Origins and Prophesied Future Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? You can also watch the new video Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
The Eurasian Union, the Kings of the East, and Bible Prophecy Is there a Eurasian union that will be formed? Is one being formed right now? Are any leaders working on that in the 21st century? Does the Bible teach that there will be a Eurasian union? If some type of Eurasian union is formed, who might it benefit and who will it destroy? A related video would be Is The Eurasian Union Rising?
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God was the Emphasis of Jesus and the Early Church Did you know that? Do you even know what the gospel of the kingdom is all about? You can also see a YouTube video sermon The Gospel of the Kingdom.
Just What Do You Mean the Kingdom of God? A booklet that was written by Herbert Armstrong answers questions about the Kingdom.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
Some Similarities and Differences Between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Continuing Church of God Both groups claim to be the original church, but both groups have differing ways to claim it. Both groups have some amazing similarities and some major differences. Do you know what they are?
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.

Upskirt photos not deemed to be illegal!

Thursday, March 6th, 2014


Long ago, I concluded that the legal system in the USA lost much of its moral bearings.  The following item is even further demonstration of that:

BOSTON (AP) — A man who took cellphone photos up the skirts of women riding the Boston subway did not violate state law because the women were not nude or partially nude, Massachusetts’ highest court ruled Wednesday.

The Supreme Judicial Court overruled a lower court that had upheld charges against Michael Robertson, who was arrested in August 2010 by transit police who set up a sting after getting reports that he was using his cellphone to take photos and video up female riders’ skirts and dresses.

The ruling immediately prompted top Beacon Hill lawmakers to pledge to update state law.

Existing so-called Peeping Tom laws protect people from being photographed in dressing rooms and bathrooms when nude or partially nude, but the way the law is written, it does not protect clothed people in public areas, the court said.

“A female passenger on a MBTA trolley who is wearing a skirt, dress, or the like covering these parts of her body is not a person who is `partially nude,’ no matter what is or is not underneath the skirt by way of underwear or other clothing,” the court said in its ruling.

State law “does not apply to photographing (or videotaping or electronically surveilling) persons who are fully clothed and, in particular, does not reach the type of upskirting that the defendant is charged with attempting to accomplish on the MBTA,” the court said.

Apparently, there is no right of privacy for females wearing skirts as far as the Supreme Judicial Court is concerned.

This is an outrage.  Hopefully, some wiser heads will prevail and make ‘upskirt’ photographs illegal.

It may be because of the increased acceptance of pornography and female celebrities wearing less and less that those in the court have decided any clothes means one is not nude.  But, seriously, how can anyone justify ‘peeping Toms’ taking photos under women’s skirts?

The moral decline of leaders in the USA and many other lands is disappointing, though prophesied:

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:1-7)

12 As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.” (Isaiah 3:12)

16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err, And those who are led by them are destroyed (Isaiah 9:16).

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.  (Romans 1:28-32)

Celebrity pornography continues to increase and become more inappropriate. Instead of condemning that trend, back in 2012, Barack Obama publicly praised one involved in celebrity soft pornography as perfect “role model” for his daughters (Pornography: A scourge on society).

The Prophet Daniel was then asked to interpret handwriting that was written on a wall for a government leader. The moral trend in that kingdom was not good according to Daniel (Daniel 5:22-23). After stating that, here is the interpretation that the prophet Daniel gave of that handwriting on the wall:

24 Then the fingers of the hand were sent from Him, and this writing was written.

25 “And this is the inscription that was written:


26 This is the interpretation of each word. Mene: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it; 27 Tekel: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting; 28 Peres: Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” (Daniel 5:24-28)

30 That very night Belshazzar, king of the Chaldeans, was slain. (Daniel 5:30)

That kingdom was taken over that very night (Daniel 5:30-31)–but the USA still has several years, at least, left.

But, let us look at the words from the wall and apply them to the United States.

  1. Mene: Your days as being on the top of the world order are numbered. And more in the world are starting to realize this.
  2. Mene: Despite signs of your decline, instead of repenting, you seem to be taking steps to speed it up–you are soon to be finished.
  3. Tekel: Your morality and “conscience” have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting.
  4. Peres/Upharsin: Your nation will be divided by the final Beast, the King of the North (Daniel 11:39), and he will make your people slaves as your nation will be finished.

Do you think that this may be alarmist? Even US President Barack Obama has stated the the deficits of the USA are unsustainable. And he was right about that. Something that is unsustainable cannot be continued forever–but the USA is continuing the debt and has no real concrete plans to reverse that.

Without national repentance, the USA is doomed for destruction. So too, are its Anglo-allies.

Since the USA seems to be going more into sin nationally, that type of national repentance seems unlikely. Yet, personal repentance is still possible. Do you see the real State of the Union in the USA and elsewhere? Can those in the USA/UK see the Handwriting on the Wall?

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Pornography: A scourge on society Is pornography harmless fun? Does the Bible teach anything about it? What are the views of some involved with it? Here is a link to a YouTube video Pornography: Harmless Fun or a Scourge on Society?
British and American Moral Decay Public nudity is becoming more prevalent in the Anglo-Saxon lands. What are some of the consequences?
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel
Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.
Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
Can those in the USA/UK see the Handwriting on the Wall? Is everything fine in the USA/UK or is it like the days of Noah? Can we learn from the handwriting that appeared on a wall thousands of years ago? Here is a link to a related YouTube video Can you see the ‘Handwriting on the Wall’?
The Snowden Leaks are Leading to the Destruction of the USA Can what happened with the leaks of what the NSA has done help the USA to be taken over? What does the Bible teach that seems to be related to this? Here is a related YouTube video titled Are the Snowden NSA leaks leading to the destruction of the USA?
Just What Do You Mean — Repentance? Do you know what repentance is? Have you truly repented? Repented of what? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject.
When You Sin: Do You Really Repent? This is an article by Charles F. Hunting.
Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2021 or 20xx? There is also a video titled The 6000 Year Plan: Is the end of humanity’s reign almost up?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2014, 2015, or 2016? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2013 o 2014? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language video The Great Tribulation Will Not Begin Before 2017.
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin?
Hillary Clinton in Prophecy Prophecy, Hillary Clinton? Are there prophecies that Hillary Clinton may fulfill? Are there any prophecies that she has already helped fulfill? Could Hillary Clinton be apocalyptic? Could Hillary Clinton be the final Antichrist?
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.

Crimea votes to become part of Russia; Obama Administration announces sanctions; Ukrainian Patriarch condemns Putin

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

Southern Portion of Crimea with Russian Port (Sergiy Klymenko)


The Crimean parliament has voted to join Russia.  They now would like to have people in its region vote on that on March 16, 2014 instead of March 30, 2014:

March 06, 2014

Lawmakers in the embattled Ukrainian region of Crimea have voted to join Russia, in a move likely to further escalate tensions.

Thursday’s vote by the Moscow-backed Crimean parliament comes as European Union leaders gather for an emergency summit in Brussels to discuss how to pressure Russia to back down from its military incursion into Crimea…

The government of Crimea, a Black Sea peninsula with a majority ethnic Russian population, said Thursday it is scheduling a referendum on joining Russia for March 16. Russian President Vladimir Putin is being asked to consider the appeal…

Russia’s currency, the rouble, weakened further on Thursday despite central bank intervention due to what analysts at VTB Capital called the political risk premium.

Russia has kept the door ajar for more diplomacy on its own terms, announcing on Thursday a meeting of former Soviet states in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), including Ukraine, for April 4 and saying it would be preceded by contacts between Russian and Ukrainian diplomats…

In an awkward coincidence, just as EU leaders were gathering in Brussels, German Economy Minister and Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel traveled to Moscow for talks with his Russian counterpart and Putin.

Reflecting concern about how the long-planned trip might be seen in the midst of the Ukraine crisis, Gabriel dropped at the last minute plans to take along German industrialists with him. Germany has been accused in some quarters of soft-pedaling on sanctions in the light of its close economic ties to Russia.

Officials close to Gabriel said he was hoping to keep a low public profile on the trip, but if he meets Putin, as scheduled, he may have to appear in front of TV cameras.

In eastern Ukraine, a pro-Russian crowd in Donetsk, Yanukovych’s home town, recaptured the regional administration building they had occupied before being ejected by police. But police loyal to the new authorities in Kyiv raised the Ukrainian flag over the building again on Thursday.

Putin has said Russia reserves the right to intervene militarily in other areas of Ukraine if Russian interests or the lives of Russians are in danger.

Dropping diplomatic niceties on Wednesday, the U.S. State Department published a “fact sheet” entitled “President Putin’s Fiction: 10 False Claims about Ukraine.”

“As Russia spins a false narrative to justify its illegal actions in Ukraine, the world has not seen such startling Russian fiction since Dostoyevsky wrote, ‘The formula “two plus two equals five” is not without its attractions,”‘ the State Department said in the document.

Crimea is set to hold a referendum on its future status on March 30. Ethnic Russians make up nearly 60 percent of the peninsula’s population.

The USA is disturbed that Crimea’s elected representatives would do such a thing, and because of that and Russia’s actions, the Obama Administration is now intending to oppose sanctions against Russia:

March 6, 2014

SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine — The White House is imposing visa restrictions on Russians and Crimeans after Crimea’s pro-Russia administration announced a March 16 referendum on whether Crimea should become part of Russia.

The White House said the restrictions will affect anyone who is “threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.”…

Many in Ukraine fear the move by Crimea retext toward secession and the eventual annexation by the Russian Federation.

“This is our response to the disorder and lawlessness in Kiev,” Sergei Shuvainikov, a member of the local Crimean legislature, told the Associated Press. “We will decide our future ourselves.”

The parliament in Crimea enjoys a degree of autonomy under current Ukrainian law. Referendum voters will choose between joining Russia or remaining part of Ukraine, but with enhanced local powers.

There was no immediate response from the Ukrainian central government to the vote. On Wednesday, Ukraine’s prime minister told the Associated Press that Crimea would remain part of Ukraine.

March 06, 2014

The U.S. is imposing visa restrictions on Russians and Crimeans who it says are threatening Ukraine.

In addition, the White House said Thursday that President Barack Obama has signed an executive order authorizing sanctions on groups and individuals “responsible for activities undermining democratic processes or institutions in Ukraine.”

The announcement said Mr. Obama’s order is aimed at officials who have misappropriated Ukraine’s state assets or purport to assert governmental power without authorization from the new Ukrainian government in Kyiv.

Russia would like Ukraine to be a buffer against the West and part of its intended Eurasian Union. A divided Ukraine would not be ideal for that from a Russian perspective, but Russia may decide that is better than an undivided Ukraine in the European Union.

The Europeans want Ukraine for many reasons, including being a buffer to Russia. Losing Ukraine, even part of it like Crimea, to Russia will cause the Europeans to rethink their own defense needs. And what is happening now, most certainly is affecting European thoughts for their future military.

The head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has condemned Russia’s actions related to Crimea:

The head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Filaret, has condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin’s stance towards Ukraine and the sending of troops by Moscow to Crimea.

“The whole world is today in opposition to Putin’s regime. Because he doesn’t act fairly. Ukraine is an independent state. Crimea belongs to Ukraine and he put his troops onto a foreign territory. This is called aggression,” Patriarch Filaret said.

However, not all in predominantly Russian, as opposed to Ukrainian, Orthodox Crimea have the same view:

SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine — Vladimir Putin’s military gambit in Crimea has caused consternation in Kyiv and outrage in the West.

For Irina Niverova, Russia’s occupation of the peninsula last week is simple to understand and totally justified.

“The Crimea has been and will always be Russian,” said the henna-haired guide as she led a small group of Russian tourists and two foreigners around Sevastopol’s Panorama museum, which was built more than a century ago on a hill with a sweeping view of the storied city…

Noting Hitler had called Crimea an “unsinkable aircraft carrier,” Sergey Kiselev of Tavrichesky National University in Simferopol said Russians have not forgotten one of every 10 soldiers in the Red Army who died during the Second World War was killed on this neck of hilly land that is half the size of Nova Scotia.

“The Crimea is the cradle of the Russian Orthodox religion, and the Russian empire came into existence as a result of the struggle for the Crimea and adjacent areas,” the geography professor said.

“Having affirmed its position in the Crimea and having built the Black Sea fleet, it could expand to the Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Asia.”…

The West’s position on Crimea is based on a firm legal principle. It is part of a sovereign Ukraine and must not be hived off through military adventurism and opportunism. It is a concept that finds virtually no traction here.

“The Siege of Sevastopol taught us is that all wars are useless, but what this city endured is a symbol of courage to the entire world,” Ms. Niverova said.

“Every stone and every tree here is covered with the blood of brave Russians, and that is what is in our hearts.”

There have been differences between the direction that the Ukrainian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, and Russian Orthodox in Ukraine have wanted to go.  The current crisis may well help unify the first two, while giving others in the east the idea of either becoming more independent of the western portion.  Russia wants as much of Ukraine in its upcoming Eurasian Union as possible.

Notice also the following map:

Ukraine, with Crimea Mainly in Red (TUBS)

Notice how close Crimea is to Russia, which is the gray area to the right of the red on the above map.  Russia has proposed building a bridge which will directly connect Crimea to Russia in the past, and now seems to wish to make this happen quickly:

Now Kremlin says it will build bridge first planned by HITLER to link Russia direct to its naval base in Crimea and bypass Ukraine…

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev…said plans signed by Russia and Ukraine in 2010 to build the bridge are still binding, despite increased tensions between the countries following Russia’s decision to send troops into the Crimean region following the ousting of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych last week.

Russia has refused to recognise the new ‘unconstitutional’ government in Kiev which, it said, is run by militants and ultra-nationalists.

It claims to have entered Crimea in order to protect Russian-speakers who make up the majority of the population in the southern and regions of Ukraine.

During a meeting with his deputies on Monday, Medvedev demanded practical work on the bridge begin immediately, saying: ‘Ukraine has always been and will remain an important trade and economic partner to us, and the government should work on these issues.

‘We are following the developments closely,’ he added.

Thus, presuming the bridge is built, Russia will have direct access to Crimea without needing the sea or going through the rest of Ukraine.

The Kiev government does not care for the vote by the Crimeans:

Ukraine PM Yatsenyuk rejects referendum on Crimea split

March 6, 2014

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) — We’re leaving. No, you’re not. That’s where we are in the crisis in Ukraine after lawmakers in the Crimean region voted Thursday in favor of leaving the country for Russia and putting it to a vote before residents in 10 days.

It’s an act that drew condemnation from Ukraine’s interim Prime Minister, who called the effort to hold such a referendum “an illegitimate decision.”

“Crimea was, is and will be an integral part of Ukraine,” Arseniy Yatsenyuk said.

The situation in Ukraine remains tense, although the Kiev government generally recognizes that it does not wish to attack Russia and hence would not wish to invade Crimea.

The Russians and Crimeans do not recognize that is now in Kiev as legitimate–it came in through an overthrow, not an election.  And so the Kiev government has apparently decided that not only does it not recognize Ukraine’s elected president (which it ousted), it also will not recognize the votes in Crimea.

As far as those in Ukraine go, sadly, war is in their future if they support the rising European Union or the upcoming Eurasian Union (watch the new video Ukraine in Prophecy?).  Those in Ukraine need our prayers and the kingdom of God.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Russia and Ukraine: Origins and Prophesied Future Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end?  You can also watch the new video Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
The Eurasian Union, the Kings of the East, and Bible Prophecy Is there a Eurasian union that will be formed? Is one being formed right now? Are any leaders working on that in the 21st century? Does the Bible teach that there will be a Eurasian union? If some type of Eurasian union is formed, who might it benefit and who will it destroy? A related video would be Is The Eurasian Union Rising?
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God was the Emphasis of Jesus and the Early Church Did you know that? Do you even know what the gospel of the kingdom is all about? You can also see a YouTube video sermon The Gospel of the Kingdom.
Just What Do You Mean the Kingdom of God? A booklet that was written by Herbert Armstrong answers questions about the Kingdom.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
Some Similarities and Differences Between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Continuing Church of God Both groups claim to be the original church, but both groups have differing ways to claim it. Both groups have some amazing similarities and some major differences. Do you know what they are?
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.

Church History: The Christian Passover

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

History of Early Christianity


Passover is next month (April 13th after sunset). And while most seem to consider that Passover is a Jewish holiday, the reality is that most who profess Christ actually are in churches that somewhat claim to observe Passover (although many call it something else–Easter). Here is a link to a YouTube video that goes through various scriptures and history about Christians keeping Passover: History of the Christian Passover.

Although most who profess Christianity now celebrate it, Easter-Sunday was not observed by the second century Christians in Asia Minor. They observed Passover.

However, beginning with possibly Telesphorus or possibly Hyginus or maybe even Sixtus (there are no contemporaneous records, only an unclear report 5-6 decades later written by Irenaeus), what is now called Easter began to be observed in Rome. First, it was apparently a change in date of Passover from the 14th of Nisan to a Sunday. This is believed to have happened because there was a rebellion by Jews and that any distancing between Jews and Christians seemed physically advantageous (at least to some in Rome and the Greeks in Jerusalem).

The SDA scholar Samuele Bacchiocchi noted that the change to Easter-Sunday and to a weekly Sunday was due to persecution (the new Gentile hierarchy he is referring to are Greek bishops in Jerusalem, which took over after the rebellion was crushed):

The actual introduction of Easter-Sunday appears to have occurred earlier in Palestine after Emperor Hadrian ruthlessly crushed the Barkokeba revolt (A.D. 132-135)…

The fact that the Passover controversy arose when Emperor Hadrian adopted new repressive measures against Jewish religious practices suggests that such measures influenced the new Gentile hierarchy to change the date of Passover from Nisan 14 to the following Sunday (Easter-Sunday) in order to show separation and differentiation from the Jews and the Jewish Christians…

A whole body of Against the Jews literature was produced by leading Fathers who defamed the Jews as a people and emptied their religious beliefs and practices of any historical value. Two major causalities of the anti-Jewish campaign were Sabbath and Passover. The Sabbath was changed to Sunday and Passover was transferred to Easter-Sunday.

Scholars usually recognize the anti-Judaic motivation for the repudiation of the Jewish reckoning of Passover and adoption of Easter-Sunday instead. Joachim Jeremias attributes such a development to “the inclination to break away from Judaism.” In a similar vein, J.B. Lightfoot explains that Rome and Alexandria adopted Easter-Sunday to avoid “even the semblance of Judaism” (Bacchiocchi S. God’s Festival in Scripture and History. Biblical Perspectives. Befriend Springs (MI), 1995, pp. 101,102,103).

The respected Protestant scholar J.B. Lightfoot specifically wrote:

the Churches of Asia Minor which regulated their Easter festival by the Jewish passover without regard to the day of the week, but with those of Rome and Alexandria and Gaul which observed another rule; thus avoiding even the semblance of Judaism (Lightfoot, Joseph Barber. Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians. Macmillan and co., limited, 1910. Original from the University of California. Digitized Oct 16, 2007, p. 331).

It is possible that the Roman “bishop” Telesphorus made a change to Sunday Passover around 135 A.D. to attempt to distance himself from the Jews in Rome. If he was the first Roman leader who did it, and if he thought that this would spare his life, he was wrong as he was apparently later killed by the Roman authorities (circa 136 A.D.). On the other hand, it is perhaps more likely that Hyginus, who was apparently Greek decided to introduce the Passover Sunday tradition in Rome, perhaps to direct the wrath of the anti-Jewish Roman authorities away from those who professed Christ but avoided some of the outward signs of Judaism. Christian leaders that refused to switch from Passover on the 14th to a Sunday observance have been labeled Quartodecimans (Latin for fourteenth) by most historians—with the bulk of them apparently being in Asia Minor near the end of the second century.

Since Roman Bishop Anicetus’ account (see below) claimed that this practice was began by presbyters who preceded him, it would need to have been no later than the Greeks Telesphorus or Hyginus, as they were followed by Pius who was then followed by Anicetus (it may have originated with Sixtus as he preceded Telesphorus, though he was not Greek, but he died during the time of Hadrian).

[It should be added here that because Dr. Bacchiocchi had an error on p. 81 of his book From Sabbath to Sunday regarding a statement from Epiphanius (he has that statement correct on page 161 of the same book), that some have erroneously felt that Passover should be on the 15th of the month. Suffice it to say that I have a copy of the relevant section of Epiphanius’ writings and he did not write anything about the 15th of the month being celebrated by the Jewish bishops (Epiphanius. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III (Sects 47-80), De Fide). Section VI, Verses 9,7-10,1. Translated by Frank Williams. EJ Brill, New York, 1994, pp. 411-412). I contacted Dr. Bacchiocchi about this point years ago and he responded that he hoped to fix that. Also, I should add that the observance of Passover on the 14th of Nisan is one of the historical signs of who may be part of the true Church of God. An article that discusses this in more depth would be TPM: Passover on the 14th or 15th?]

Of course the question is, “Was the church supposed to change its beliefs and practices throughout history or be faithful to what the apostles originally received?”

The Bible suggests that the church was not to change its doctrines as Jude wrote:

Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3).

Around 155 A.D. Polycarp of Smyrna went to Rome to deal with various heretics and he tried to persuade the Anicetus not to change Passover to an Easter Sunday holiday. Irenaeus records this about Passover:

And when the blessed Polycarp was sojourning in Rome in the time of Anicetus, although a slight controversy had arisen among them as to certain other points…For neither could Anicetus persuade Polycarp to forego the observance [in his own way], inasmuch as these things had been always observed by John the disciple of our Lord, and by other apostles with whom he had been conversant; nor, on the other hand, could Polycarp succeed in persuading Anicetus to keep [the observance in his way], for he maintained that he was bound to adhere to the usage of the presbyters who preceded him. And in this state of affairs they held fellowship with each other; and Anicetus conceded to Polycarp in the Church the celebration of the Eucharist, by way of showing him respect (Irenaeus. FRAGMENTS FROM THE LOST WRITINGS OF IRENAEUS, Chapter 3. Translated by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. Excerpted from Volume I of The Ante-Nicene Fathers (Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, editors); American Edition copyright © 1885. Electronic version copyright © 1997 by New Advent, Inc).

For it apparently was in Rome and Greco-Roman Jerusalem that the habit of changing the date of Passover began.

It may be of interest to note “And in Rome …Anicetus assumed the leadership of the Christians there… But Justin was especially prominent in those days” (Eusebius Church History. Book IV, Chapter 11). This may indicate that the heretic Justin Martyr influenced Anicetus so much that he would not agree to only observe the Nisan 14 Passover (Justin opposed various biblical practices).

However, those in Asia Minor, did not change the date in the second century.

Apollinaris was a church leader of Hierapolis in Phrygia of Asia Minor. Around 180 A.D. he wrote:

The fourteenth day, the true Passover of the Lord; the great sacrifice, the Son of God instead of the lamb, who was bound, who bound the strong, and who was judged, though Judge of living and dead, and who was delivered into the hands of sinners to be crucified, who was lifted up on the horns of the unicorn, and who was pierced in His holy side, who poured forth from His side the two purifying elements, water and blood, word and spirit, and who was buried on the day of the passover, the stone being placed upon the tomb (Apollinaris. From the Book Concerning Passover. Translated by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. Excerpted from Volume I of The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, editors; American Edition copyright © 1885. Copyright © 2001 Peter Kirby).

One Anglican scholar noted:

…there is no doubt that Apollinarius was a Quartodeciman…Those who kept Passover in the evening understood it to be a repetition of the Lord’s Supper (Stewart-Sykes A. Melito of Sardis On Pascha. St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, Crestwood (NY), 2001, p. 81).

Melito of Sardis of Asia Minor, probably by 180 A.D., wrote the following on Passover:

When Servilius Paulus was proconsul of Asia, at the time that Sagaris suffered martyrdom, there arose a great controversy at Laodicea concerning the time of the celebration of the Passover, which on that occasion had happened to fall at the proper season (Melito. Translation by Roberts and Donaldson. On the passover. Online version copyright © 2001 Peter Kirby. 11/18/06).

Now comes the mystery of the passover, even as it stands written in the law…The people, therefore, became the model for the church, and the law a parabolic sketch. But the gospel became the explanation of the law and its fulfillment, while the church became the storehouse of truth…What is the passover? Indeed its name is derived from that event–”to celebrate the passover” (to paschein) is derived from “to suffer” (tou pathein). Therefore, learn who the sufferer is and who he is who suffers along with the sufferer. Why indeed was the Lord present upon the earth? In order that having clothed himself with the one who suffers, he might lift him up to the heights of heaven…So indeed also the suffering of the Lord, predicted long in advance by means of types, but seen today, has brought about faith, just because it has taken place as predicted. And yet men have taken it as something completely new. Well, the truth of the matter is the mystery of the Lord is both old and new–old insofar as it involved the type, but new insofar as it concerns grace. And what is more, if you pay close attention to this type you will see the real thing through its fulfillment. Accordingly, if you desire to see the mystery of the Lord, pay close attention to Abel who likewise was put to death, to Isaac who likewise was bound hand and foot, to Joseph who likewise was sold, to Moses who likewise was exposed, to David who likewise was hunted down, to the prophets who likewise suffered because they were the Lord’s anointed. Pay close attention also to the one who was sacrificed as a sheep in the land of Egypt, to the one who smote Egypt and who saved Israel by his blood. For it was through the voice of prophecy that the mystery of the Lord was proclaimed. And David said: Why were the nations haughty and the people concerned about nothing? The kings of the earth presented themselves and the princes assembled themselves together against the Lord and against his anointed. And Jeremiah: I am as an innocent lamb being led away to be sacrificed. They plotted evil against me and said: Come! let us throw him a tree for his food, and let us exterminate him from the land of the living, so that his name will never be recalled. And Isaiah: He was led as a sheep to slaughter, and, as a lamb is silent in the presence of the one who shears it, he did not open his mouth. Therefore who will tell his offspring? And indeed there were many other things proclaimed by numerous prophets concerning the mystery of the passover, which is Christ, to whom be the glory forever. Amen. When this one came from heaven to earth for the sake of the one who suffers, and had clothed himself with that very one through the womb of a virgin, and having come forth as man, he accepted the sufferings of the sufferer through his body which was capable of suffering. And he destroyed those human sufferings by his spirit which was incapable of dying. He killed death which had put man to death. For this one, who was led away as a lamb, and who was sacrificed as a sheep, by himself delivered us from servitude to the world as from the land of Egypt, and released us from bondage to the devil as from the hand of Pharaoh, and sealed our souls by his own spirit and the members of our bodies by his own blood. This is the one who covered death with shame and who plunged the devil into mourning as Moses did Pharaoh. This is the one who smote lawlessness and deprived injustice of its offspring, as Moses deprived Egypt. This is the one who delivered us from slavery into freedom, from darkness into light, from death into life, from tyranny into an eternal kingdom, and who made us a new priesthood, and a special people forever. This one is the passover of our salvation. This is the one who patiently endured many things in many people: This is the one who was murdered in Abel, and bound as a sacrifice in Isaac, and exiled in Jacob, and sold in Joseph, and exposed in Moses, and sacrificed in the lamb, and hunted down in David, and dishonored in the prophets. This is the one who became human in a virgin, who was hanged on the tree, who was buried in the earth, who was resurrected from among the dead, and who raised mankind up out of the grave below to the heights of heaven. This is the lamb that was slain. This is the lamb that was silent. This is the one who was born of Mary, that beautiful ewe-lamb. This is the one who was taken from the flock, and was dragged to sacrifice, and was killed in the evening, and was buried at night; the one who was not broken while on the tree, who did not see dissolution while in the earth, who rose up from the dead, and who raised up mankind from the grave below. This one was murdered (Melito. Homily On the Passover. Verses 11, 40,46-47, 58-72. Translation from Kerux: The Journal of Online Theology , 09/14/05).

Click here for a complete version of The Homily On the Passover by Melito. If your church does not teach you about the Passover and why you should observe it, your church simply is not following the teachings and practices of Early Christianity.

A decade or so after Melito’s death, Roman Bishop Victor tried to enforce the preferred Roman Sunday date for Passover and stop Christians from following the biblical date of Nisan 14.

The Orthodox Church reports this brief explanation of events in one of its timelines:

193 A.D. – Council of Rome, presided over by Bishop Victor, condemns the celebration of Pascha on Nisan 14, and addresses a letter to Polycrates of Ephesus and the Churches in Asia.

193 A.D. – Council of Ephesus, presided over by Bishop Polycrates, and attended by several bishops throughout Asia, reject the authority of Victor of Rome, and keep the Asian paschal tradition (Markou, Stavros L. K. An Orthodox Christian Historical Timeline. Copyright © 2003

The Catholic writer Lopes noted this about the Roman bishop Victor:

14. VICTOR I, ST. (189-199) An African…Victor tended not to advise other churches but to impose Rome’s ideas on them, thus arousing resentment at times in bishops not inclined to accept such impositions. This was the case of Polycratus, the Bishop of Ephesus, who felt offended at this interference. The question was again that of Easter. Victor reaffirmed the decisions of Soter and Eleutherius both with regard to the date, which had to be a Sunday, and with regard to several customs of Jewish origin which were still practiced in some Christian communities…Polycratus justified himself before the pope with a letter containing the phrase “…it is more important to obey God rather than men” (Lopes A. The Popes: The lives of the pontiffs through 2000 years of history. Futura Edizoni, Roma, 1997, p. 5).

The Catholic writer Eusebius recorded that Polycrates of Ephesus, around 195 A.D. wrote the following to the Roman Bishop Victor who, as the previous writing showed, wanted those who professed Christ to change Passover from the 14th of Nisan to Sunday:

We observe the exact day; neither adding, nor taking away. For in Asia also great lights have fallen asleep, which shall rise again on the day of the Lord’s coming, when he shall come with glory from heaven, and shall seek out all the saints. Among these are Philip, one of the twelve apostles, who fell asleep in Hierapolis; and his two aged virgin daughters, and another daughter, who lived in the Holy Spirit and now rests at Ephesus; and, moreover, John, who was both a witness and a teacher, who reclined upon the bosom of the Lord, and, being a priest, wore the sacerdotal plate. He fell asleep at Ephesus. And Polycarp in Smyrna, who was a bishop and martyr; and Thraseas, bishop and martyr from Eumenia, who fell asleep in Smyrna. Why need I mention the bishop and martyr Sagaris who fell asleep in Laodicea, or the blessed Papirius, or Melito, the Eunuch who lived altogether in the Holy Spirit, and who lies in Sardis, awaiting the episcopate from heaven, when he shall rise from the dead? All these observed the fourteenth day of the passover according to the Gospel, deviating in no respect, but following the rule of faith. And I also, Polycrates, the least of you all, do according to the tradition of my relatives, some of whom I have closely followed. For seven of my relatives were bishops; and I am the eighth. And my relatives always observed the day when the people put away the leaven. I, therefore, brethren, who have lived sixty-five years in the Lord, and have met with the brethren throughout the world, and have gone through every Holy Scripture, am not affrighted by terrifying words. For those greater than I have said ‘ We ought to obey God rather than man’ (Eusebius. Church History, Book V, Chapter 24. Translated by Arthur Cushman McGiffert. Excerpted from Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series Two, Volume 1. Edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace. American Edition, 1890. Online Edition Copyright © 2004 by K. Knight).

Notice that Polycrates said that he and the other early church leaders (like the Apostles Philip and John, and their successors like Polycarp, Thraseas, Sagaris, Papirius, Melito) would not deviate from the Bible, and that they knew the Bible taught them to keep the Passover on the correct date, and not on a Sunday. Also notice that they always observed the day when the people put away the leaven. Polycrates also reminded the Roman bishop that true followers of Christ “obey God rather than men”.

Hence it is clear that throughout the second century, the churches in Asia Minor continued to observe the Passover on the 14th of Nisan (and for doing so, they were labeled as Quartodecimans by the Romans), unlike the Romans, and they refused to accept the authority of any Roman bishop over scripture.

Notice that Polycrates specifically claimed that he followed what John did. Now notice that John calls those who do not follow what he taught as antichrists:

Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us (1 John 2:18-19).

Thus, this subject of Passover is important (see also the article Doctrines of Antichrist).

In addition, notice what a respected Protestant scholar reported about the second century:

The most important in this festival was the passover day, the 14th of Nisan…In it they ate unleavened bread, probably like the Jews, eight days through…there is no trace of a yearly festival of the resurrection among them…the Christians of Asia Minor appealed in favor of their passover solemnity on the 14th Nisan to John (Gieseler, Johann Karl Ludwig. A Text-book of Church History. Translated by Samuel Davidson, John Winstanley Hull, Mary A. Robinson. Harper & brothers, 1857, Original from the University of Michigan, Digitized Feb 17, 2006, p. 166).

So, like the Apostle John (the last of the original apostles to die), the early faithful Christians observed Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.

Late Second/Early Third Century

Although he was not part of the Church of God and held some unbiblical views, Tertullian noted:

“Purge out the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened.” The unleavened bread was therefore, in the Creator’s ordinance, a figure of us (Christians). “For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.” But why is Christ our passover, if the passover be not a type of Christ, in the similitude of the blood which saves, and of the Lamb, which is Christ? Why does (the apostle) clothe us and Christ with symbols of the Creator’s solemn rites, unless they had relation to ourselves? (Tertullian. Against Marcion, Book V, Chapter 7. Excerpted from Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 3. Edited by Philip Schaff, D.D., LL.D. American Edition, 1885. Online Edition Copyright © 2005 by K. Knight).

Tertullian raised some appropriate questions above. Since the days of unleavened bread were a figure for Christians, and Passover is a type of Christ, why does the New Testament endorse these rites unless they were to be observed by Christians?

Even though true Christians claimed that they were simply following Jesus’ example and the Bible, they were condemned by Roman leaders because of it. According to The Catholic Encyclopedia, in the third century:

Hippolytus was the most important theologian and the most prolific religious writer of the Roman Church in the pre-Constantinian era (St. Hippolytus of Rome, The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1910).

Yet he condemned Christians who felt that they needed to keep the Passover on the correct date and he considered them to be a cause of trouble. Notice:

(from the Paschal Chronicle, PG 92.80-81)…I see now what the cause of the disquiet is. For somebody might say “Christ kept the Pascha and then, during the day he died. It is necessary for me to do what the Lord did, just as he did it.” They are in error…he himself was the Pascha which was announced in advance, and which was fulfilled on the appointed day.

(from the Refutatation of All Heresies, 8.18) There are others, fractious by nature…who maintain that it is necessary to keep the Pascha on the fourteenth of the first month in accordance with the provision of the law, on whatever day it might fall…In other things they conform to everything which has been handed down to the church by the apostles (as cited in Stewart-Sykes A. Melito of Sardis On Pascha. St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, Crestwood (NY), 2001, p. 81).

Thus, there were repeated attempts by Roman-supporting leaders to condemn those who kept the Passover on the 14th. Those who consider themselves Christians, but do not observe the Passover on the 14th are following the lead of those Roman-supporting leaders (the first Roman-supporting leader to clearly distance himself on this subject was the heretic Justin in circa 135).

But notice what the Apostles Paul and John taught:

1 Be ye followers of me, as I also am of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1, Douay-Rheims)

11 Dearly beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doth good, is of God: he that doth evil, hath not seen God. (3 John 11, Douay-Rheims)

Thus, the early Christians absolutely should have followed Jesus’ practice and kept Passover when He did. Yet some associated with Rome have long taught otherwise.

The Fourth Century

In spite of the condemnations, Passover was always kept on the 14th of Nisan by those who claimed to be faithful to the practices of the Apostle John and the Bible.

However, even after condemnations from Bishops Victor and Hippolytus, even many of those with a Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox background, continued to keep Passover on the 14th of Nisan until at least sometime into the fourth century.

But Emperor Constantine did not like that at all and convened the famous Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. to decide on a universal date:

…the emperor…convened a council of 318 bishops…in the city of Nicea…They passed certain ecclesiastical canons at the council besides, and at the same time decreed in regard to the Passover that there must be one unanimous concord on the celebration of God’s holy and supremely excellent day. For it was variously observed by people… (Epiphanius. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III (Sects 47-80), De Fide). Section VI, Verses 1,1 and 1,3. Translated by Frank Williams. EJ Brill, New York, 1994, pp.471-472). A Sunday date was selected, instead of Nisan 14 (which can fall on any day of the week).

Notice what Constantine declared about this:

The commemoration of the most sacred paschal feast being then debated, it was unanimously decided, that it would be well that it should be everywhere celebrated upon the same day. What can be more fair, or more seemly, than that that festival by which we have received the hope of immortality should be carefully celebrated by all, on plain grounds, with the same order and exactitude? It was, in the first place, declared improper to follow the custom of the Jews in the celebration of this holy festival, because, their hands having been stained with crime, the minds of these wretched men are necessarily blinded. By rejecting their custom, we establish and hand down to succeeding ages one which is more reasonable, and which has been observed ever since the day of our Lord’s sufferings. Let us, then, have nothing in common with the Jews, who are our adversaries. For we have received from our Saviour another way… (Theodoret of Cyrus. Ecclesiastical History (Book I), Chapter IX. Excerpted from Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, Volume 3. Edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace. American Edition, 1892. Online Edition Copyright © 2005 by K. Knight).

Actually, the Saviour observed Passover on the 14th of Nisan. It is those who reject that ways of our Saviour who accept the decision of the Roman Emperor over the Bible who do not observe it then. Notice that the first consideration was to not follow the Jews–and they were the ones who followed the Bible. Second, he claimed that people always accepted his Sunday date, but there is absolutely no evidence of this–Sunday Passover was something that second century Romans implemented–there is no proof whatsoever that any observed it on Sunday prior to that, thus Constantine’s second reason is also in error.

According to Eusebius’ Life of Constantine, Book III chapter 18, a more accurate translation of that last line above from the Roman Emperor Constantine should be:

Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd; for we have received from our Saviour a different way.

I do not recall Jesus indicating that Jews were detestable (He was a Jew) nor that He ever changed the date of Passover. But apparently Constantine felt otherwise. And the Sunday observance is now known as Easter (a related article of interest may be Did Early Christians Celebrate Easter?).

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches:

1170 At the Council of Nicea in 325, all the Churches agreed that Easter, the Christian Passover, should be celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon (14 Nisan) after the vernal equinox (Catechism of the Catholic Church. Imprimatur Potest +Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. Doubleday, NY 1995, p. 332).

But not that idea that “all the Churches agreed” is not true as the bishops from the faithful churches did not attend that Council.

Notice what the Roman Catholic priest and historian Bellarmino Bagatti wrote:

…the inhabitants of Syria, of Cilcia and of Mesopotamia were still celebrating Easter {Passover} with the Jews…

The importance of the matters to be discussed and the great division that existed had led Constantine to bring together a big number of bishops, including confessors of the faith, in order to give the impression that the whole of Christendom was represented.

In fact…the churches of Jewish stock had had no representation…From this we can conclude that no Judaeo-Christian bishop participated in the Council. Either they were not invited or they declined to attend. And so the capitulars had a free hand to establish norms for certain practices without meeting opposition or hearing other view points. Once the road was open future Councils would continue on these lines, thus deepening the breach between the Christians of two-stocks. The point of view of the Judaeo-Christians, devoid of Greek philosophical formation, was that of keeping steadfast to the Testimonia, and therefore not to admit any word foreign to the Bible, including Homoousion (Bagatti, Bellarmino. Translated by Eugene Hoade. The Church from the Gentiles in Palestine. Nihil obstat: Ignatius Mancini, 1 Februari 1970. Imprimi potest: Herminius Roncari, 26 Februari 1970. Imprimatur: +Albertus Gori, die 28 Februarii 1970. Franciscan Printing Press, Jerusalem, 1971, pp. 47-48).

So not every church was represented. Nor did everyone accept the degree of the sun-worshipping emperor as the Roman Catholic supporting Epiphanius noted a few decades after that Council:

The Quartodecimans contentiously keep Passover on one day, once per year…They keep the Passover on whichever day the fourteenth of the month falls…Christ had to be slain on the fourteenth of the month in accordance with the law (Epiphanius. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III (Sects 47-80), De Fide). Section IV, Verses 1,3;1,6;2,6. Translated by Frank Williams. EJ Brill, New York, 1994, pp. 23-25).

The Quartodecimans only kept Passover once per year–not daily like most Roman Catholic priests do–not weekly or monthly like some Catholics/Protestants do. It is of interest to note that Epiphanius recognized that Jesus HAD to be slain on the 14th of the month. It is sad that he and others did not believe they needed to observe it when and how Jesus taught. Strangely he wrote this about the practices of the Greco-Roman church (which we now call Roman and Orthodox Catholics, but he calls “God’s holy church”):

But God’s holy church does not miss the truth in any way in her fixing the date of this mystery. She uses not only the fourteenth day. but also the seven days which recur order of the seven days of the week…And she uses not only the fourteenth day of the lunar month, but the course of the sun as well, to keep us from observing two Passovers in one year and not even one in another. We observe the fourteenth day, then, but we wait until after the equinox and bring the end of our full observance to the sacred Lord’s day (Epiphanius. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III (Sects 47-80), De Fide). Section IV, Verses 3,1; 3,2; 3,3-4. Translated by Frank Williams. EJ Brill, New York, 1994, pp. 25).

Well, the Catholics most certainly do not observe Passover on the evening of the 14th unless that happens to fall when some observe an evening mass–the equinox argument is not scriptural. And since the “Lord’s Supper” is observed frequently, most practicing Catholics and Protestants do observe it more than once per year.

Epiphanius even admits that the church used to observe the 14th when he wrote:

Audians…they choose to celebrate the Passover with the Jews–that is they contentiously celebrate the Passover at the same time as the Jews are holding their Festival of Unleavened Bread. And indeed that this used to be the church’s custom (Epiphanius. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III (Sects 47-80), De Fide). Section VI, Verses 8,11; 9,2. Translated by Frank Williams. EJ Brill, New York, 1994, pp. 410-411).

Anyway, since Constantine’s declarations did not stop everyone from properly observing Passover, a later Roman Emperor after he became a baptized “Christian” decreed the death penalty:

Edicts of Theodosius against the heretics, A.D. 380-394…Theodosius…decreed that…by the death of the offender; and the same capital punishment was inflicted on the Audians, or Quartodecimans, who should dare to perpetrate the atrocious crime of celebrating on an improper day the festival (Gibbon E. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume III, Chapter XXVII. ca. 1776-1788).

The various enactments against heretics are contained in the Code of Theodosius (16. tit. 5. s. 6—23 ; and the commentary of Gothofredus): the Eunomians, whose guilt consisted in denying any resemblance between the two sub- tances, and who were accordingly Anomoeans, were also deprived of the power of testamentary disposition, and of taking by testamentary gift: they seem, in fact, to have been deprived of all the rights of citizens. The Manichaean heresy was punishable with death; and the same penalty threatened the Audians or the Quartodecimans, who celebrated the festival of Easter on the wrong day. To the reign of Theodosius belonged the glory or the infamy of establishing Inquisitors of Faith, who seem to have been specially enjoined to look after the crime of the Quartodecimans (Smith W. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology : Oarses-Zygia. J. Murray, 1890 Item notes: v. 3 Original from Harvard University Digitized Jul 8, 2008, p. 1064).

Is killing those that followed the example of Jesus and John to observe the Passover on the 14th instead of Sunday a sign of a true Christian leader or a sign of a supporter of antichrist? Notice that the office of the “Inquisitors” was actually first formed to deal with people who kept Passover on the original biblical date–did you know that the date of Passover was considered to be that important?

The Catholic and Orthodox saint John Chrysostom preached the following in 387 A.D.:

In speaking about this feast of the Passover, the Law says to them something such as this: “You will not be able to keep the Passover in any of the cities which the Lord your God gives to you.” The Law bids them keep the feast on the fourteenth day of the first month and in the city of Jerusalem. The Law also narrowed down the time and place for the observance of Pentecost, when it commanded them to celebrate the feast after seven weeks, and again, when it stated: “In the place which the Lord your God chooses.” So also the Law fixed the feast of Tabernacles. (4) Now let us see which of the two, time or place, is more necessary, even though neither the one nor the other has the power to save. Must we scorn the place but observe the time? Or should we scorn the time and keep the place? What I mean is something such as this. The Law commanded that the Passover be held in the first month and in Jerusalem, at a prescribed time and in a prescribed place…But the Passover comes to an end on the twenty-first of that month. If they began the feast on the fourteenth day of the first month and then continued it for seven days, they then come to the twenty-first …the Law said they must not observe those rituals outside Jerusalem (John Chrysostom. Homily IV Against the Jews IV:3-4,V:4,5. Catholic Christians of Antioch. Turning to Sabbath and The New Moon Day and Other Holy Days. 387 A.D.).

Although he is correct that the Bible specifies the dates of the Holy Days, John Chrysostom is incorrect that Jerusalem is the only place.

That is never taught in the law.

To the contrary, the Jews were not even in Jerusalem when God listed the holy days in the books of Exodus and Leviticus (Jerusalem was not taken by the children of Israel until after the death of Joshua, see Judges 1:1-8).

It is also clear from the testimonies of Polycarp, Melito, Apollinaris, and Polycrates, that the New Testament second century Christians observed Passover outside of Jerusalem, as they ALL lived in Asia Minor and none lived in Jerusalem.

Some articles for future interest may include the following:

The History of Early Christianity Are you aware that what most people believe is not what truly happened to the true Christian church? Do you know where the early church was based? Do you know what were the doctrines of the early church? Is your faith really based upon the truth or compromise?
Passover and the Early Church Did the early Christians observe Passover? What did Jesus and Paul teach? Why did Jesus die for our sins? If you prefer, here is a link to a YouTube video titled History of the Christian Passover.
Keeping Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread How should Christians keep Passover, especially if they are by themselves. Why does the Church of God not require lambs for Passover? How does one keep the Days of Unleavened Bread? For a step-by-step video for Christians to keep it, check out CCOG Passover Service.
Melito’s Homily on the Passover This is one of the earliest Christian writings about the Passover. This also includes what Apollinaris wrote on the Passover as well.
Is Lent a Christian Holiday? When did it originate? What about Ash Wednesday? If you observe them, do you know why?
What Happened in the Crucifixion Week? How long are three days and three nights? Was Palm Sunday on a Saturday? Did Jesus die on “Good Friday”? Was the resurrection on Sunday? Do you really know? Who determined the date of Easter? (Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Murió Jesús un día miércoles o un viernes?)
Did Early Christians Celebrate Easter? If not, when did this happen? Where did Easter come from? What do scholars and the Bible reveal? Here is a link to a video titled Why Easter?
What Do Roman Catholic Scholars Actually Teach About Early Church History? Although most believe that the Roman Catholic Church history teaches an unbroken line of succession of bishops beginning with Peter, with stories about most of them, Roman Catholic scholars know the truth of this matter. This eye-opening article is a must-read for any who really wants to know what Roman Catholic history actually admits about the early church.
Early Church History: Who Were the Two Major Groups Professed Christ in the Second and Third Centuries? Did you know that many in the second and third centuries felt that there were two major, and separate, professing Christian groups in the second century, but that those in the majority churches tend to now blend the groups together and claim “saints” from both? “Saints” that condemn some of their current beliefs. Who are the two groups?
Holy Day Calendar This is a listing of the biblical holy days through 2024, with their Roman calendar dates. They are really hard to observe if you do not know when they occur 🙂 In the Spanish/Español/Castellano language: Calendario de los Días Santos. In Mandarin Chinese: 何日是神的圣日? 这里是一份神的圣日日历从2013年至2024年。.