Archive for January, 2015

BibleNewsProphecy: Daniel 11 Europe, Christians, and Islam

Sunday, January 4th, 2015


The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce our latest video on our Bible New Prophecy YouTube channel:

Dr. Thiel gives an overview of the prophetic 11th chapter of the Book of Daniel starting with verse 27 and finishing through verse 45. Dr. Thiel explains why a European leader will be upset with a message that the faithful Christians will be putting out at the time of the end. Dr. Thiel explains how this chapter is tied in with Jesus’ words in Matthew 24. He also explains where this chapter shows the destruction of the United States and its Anglo-Saxon descended allies. Dr. Thiel shows how those in Muslims dominated lands in North Africa and the Middle East will be affected.

A written article of related interest is titled: Who is the King of the North?

Here is a link to our video: Daniel 11 Europe, Christians, and Islam.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2015, 2016, or 2017? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2014 o 2015? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language sermon video: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives.
The Final Phase of the Work What is the final phase of the work? Who will lead it? Do you have the courage to support it? Here is a related YouTube video titled The Final Phase of the Work. The written article has been translated into Spanish La Fase Final de la Obra.
CCOG.ORG Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God.
CCOG.ASIA We in the Continuing Church of God also have the url which has a focus on Asia and has various articles in Mandarin Chinese as well as some in English, plus some items in other Asian languages. 我们在继续神的教会也提供此网址, 关注于亚洲并且有各种各样的中英文文章,其中一些用菲律宾语翻译的文章也正在进行中,准备添加到这个网站中。 Here is a link to our Statement of Beliefs in Mandarin Chinese 继续神的教会的信仰声明.
CCOG.IN This is a website targeted towards those of Indian heritage. It has a link to an edited Hindi translation of The Mystery of the Ages and is expected to have more non-English language materials in the future.
CCOG.EU This is a website targeted toward Europe. It has materials in more than one language (currently it has English, Dutch, and Serbian, with links also to Spanish) and it is intended to have additional language materials added.
CDLIDD.ES La Continuación de la Iglesia de Dios. This is the Spanish language website for the Continuing Church of God and has articles in español/castellano.
PNIND.PH Patuloy na Iglesya ng Diyos. This is the Philippines website Continuing Church of God. It has information in English and Tagalog.
Bible News Prophecy
channel. Dr. Thiel has produced many YouTube videos for the BibleNewsProphecy channel. And you can find them at that channel.

Iran says it has not made a new nuclear deal with the USA

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

Nuclear facilities in Iran (Ta2aa)


Iran says reports coming out of the West about a new deal are not true:

January 3, 2015

TEHRAN, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) — Iran has not made any agreement with the United States on its nuclear issue, an Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on Saturday, denying recent western reports that the two sides have agreed to ship part of its enriched uranium abroad.

“No agreement has been made on the topics of (nuclear) negotiations so far,” the spokeswoman said.

“The news aims at certain political ends to spoil the climate of talks and to complicate the issue,” she added, referring to western reports on Friday that “Washington and Tehran have allegedly come to a step closer to agreeing on shipping part of Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile to Russia.” …

Talks between Iran and the P5+1 group continued on Dec. 17, weeks after failing to meet a Nov. 24 deadline for a comprehensive nuclear deal.

On Wednesday, the spokeswoman said the next round of deputy-level talks will be held on Jan. 15.

Iran has succeeded since 2013 in delaying the ‘resolution’ of this.

Notice something I warned about a type of ‘deal’ there on November 24, 2013:

What this deal really does is give Iran some economic relief and time to upgrade its technology, while it agrees to get rid of some of its underdeveloped nuclear waste and centrifuges. This, in theory at least, will give Iran more money and more time to work on its nuclear technology, (Iran makes nuclear deal that Obama praises: Israel and Saudi Arabia are not pleased)

A week later I posted:

An ‘interim’ deal is in place that apparently will allow Iran to tap into some of its foreign bank accounts and/or lift some of the economic sanctions against it. The deal will mean that Iran will give up some of its older nuclear centrifuges and enriched uranium. And if you believe Iran and the USA government, it also means that Iran will not be developing nuclear weapons at this time. In my view, this agreement will allow Iran to continue to perfect its technology so that it will be better able to produce nuclear weapons over time. (BibleNewsProphecy: Iran in Prophecy)

Iran has announced having more new nuclear centrifuges since the ‘interim deal in 2013. Evidence has also come out that its nuclear intentions have not clearly been entirely peaceful (see Iranian report suggests Iran has wanted nuclear weapons because of the mystical 12th Imam).

Nuclear centrifuges, which Iran keeps trying to perfect (see Iran boasts of new nuclear centrifuges), basically help enrich uranium to the point that it can be used to develop nuclear energy or nuclear bombs. It is not necessary to substantially enrich uranium for peaceful nuclear power purposes. While Iran is publicly claiming their intentions are peaceful, many believe that its real goal is to produce nuclear weapons, hence improved centrifuges will give it a better ability to make weapons.  Israel remains highly concerned about this (see Feast of Purim and Israel is still concerned about those in the territory of Iran and Netanyahu in UN: Blasts Islamic State, Hamas, and Iran, but what will happen in Israel?).

Because Iran is an ally of Russia, many feel that Russia will need to be involved in a final deal.

Including Russia has got to be difficult for the USA.  The USA keeps sanctioning and encouraging others to sanction Russia, while it wants Russia to cooperate in the Iranian matter.

Politics in the world is often messy.

A new intended (by the West) deal may promise, but likely not insure, that Iran will not be able to use any to produce weapons grade uranium. It should be noted that Iran is NOT really south of Jerusalem and it will not be the final King of the South of Bible prophecy (cf. Daniel 11:40-43). Because of that, I have tended to believe that Iran may somehow get “neutralized” before this final king rises up. Using nuclear materials for nuclear or ‘dirty bombs,’ a serious attack by the USA and/or conflict with Israel may neutralize Iran and much of its influence–but Iran might hit hard first (Isaiah 22:1-14).

The top leadership of Iran has a Shi’ite Muslim agenda, which they have concluded includes causing chaos and war. I, for one, do not believe that Iran’s leaders have given up on their goals of Islamic domination. We will see what kind of the ‘deal’ the USA will end up accepting here.  Iran has been able to delay the process, while presumably still working towards its nuclear objectives. Iran has learned that it can gain time by holding talks with the West and it continues to play that game–though the time may well come when it ‘overplays its hand.’ So far, Iran has been able to delay for a long time and keep its programs going.  But that may not last forever.

Irrespective of any agreement it may accept, Iran may end up doing something that its leadership will regret later (cf. Jeremiah 49:34-39).

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Iran in Prophecy Is Iran in Bible prophecy? If so, what does the Bible teach? What names, other than Persia, may be used to describe Iran? There is also a YouTube video titled Iran in Prophecy. Here is a related video Iran In Prophecy.
Is the Future King of the South Rising Up? Some no longer believe there needs to be a future King of the South. Might Egypt, Islam, Iran, Arabs, or Ethiopia be involved? Might this King be called the Mahdi or Caliph? What does the Bible say? A YouTube video of related interest may be: The Future King of the South is Rising.
The Arab and Islamic World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi? What lies ahead for Turkey, Iran, and the other non-Arabic Muslims? An item of possibly related interest in the Spanish language would be: Líderes iraníes condenan la hipocresía de Occidente y declaran que ahora es tiempo para prepararse para el Armagedón, la guerra, y el Imán Mahdi. Another article related to Iran translated into the Spanish language is: Irán y líderes israelíes discuten las intenciones nucleares de Irán.
Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future Russia in prophecy. Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? There is also a video sermon available: Russia in the Bible and in Prophecy and a video sermonette available: Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
Ezekiel 38: For Russia & Iran in Our Day? Is Ezekiel 38 about to be fulfilled? A related video is available titled Ezekiel 38: For Russia, Ukraine, & Iran Now?
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2015, 2016, or 2017? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2014 o 2015? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language sermon video: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives.
The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation.
How Will Middle East Peace be Brought About? Can humans bring peace to the Middle East? Here is a link to a related video: Middle East Peace? When?
Prophecy Obama: Prophecies of Barack Obama? Reasons why Barack Obama is apocalyptic and reasons why Barack Obama is not the Antichrist. This article includes many biblical and non-biblical prophecies, from around the world, that seem to discuss Barack Obama. Did Nostradamus predict Barack Obama dealing with the Antichrist?  Might Barack Obama set the stage for the kings of the North and South as at least one Shiite prophecy suggests?  Read it and decide for yourself if President Obama seems to be fulfilling various prophecies. Watch also the YouTube Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.

‘Climate change’ objectives and other shared goals of Pope Francis and Barack Obama

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

Barack Obama and Pope Francis have several shared goals


Pope Francis plans to get Catholics involved with his version of the ‘climate change’ controversy:

January 3, 2015

In 2015, Pope Francis plans to write a letter to all Catholics to warn them about the threat global warming poses to poor communities across the globe. The letter called a papal encyclical is meant to raise awareness to all Catholics about climate change and make them get involved in fighting it. …

The pope chose to write a letter designed to raise climate change awareness among Catholics after he had visited a Philippine city devastated three years ago by the typhoon Haiyan.

A papal encyclical is rare. It is among the highest levels of a pope’s authority. It will be 50 to 60 pages long; it’s a big deal. But there is a contingent of Catholics here who say he should not be getting involved in political issues, that he is outside his expertise,”

said Dan Misleh, director of a non-profit organization advocating for the fight against climate change.

In October, the pope stirred up controversy by criticizing current economic and financial system by calling it a “system centered on the god of money” that needed to plunder nature to support the “the frenetic rhythm of consumption” linked to it. Pope Francis also said that the system was lacking in ethics and doomed man to be a servant of money since cash commands now, not people.

The push for regulations, etc. related to climate change is near the top of USA President Barack Obama’s objectives for the last two years of his current presidential term.  Here are a couple of reports from few days:

January 1, 2015

As President Obama looks ahead, 2015 may be the most challenging and consequential year of his presidency on foreign policy. Here are some major global tests where he will need to marshal American diplomatic strength, leadership, and effectiveness this year….

Commit to a climate agreement: Obama is positioning the United States to lead on global climate change talks after two decades after two decades of American lassitude. His bold EPA decision on coal, joint agreement with China’s Xi Jinping, and Kerry’s active diplomacy are pushing countries closer to the first global deal in Paris by the end of the year. Climate could end up as his most important foreign policy legacy.

December 30, 2014

Some of the stories that gripped our attention in 2014 will probably be forgotten in a few years — if not a few weeks. But there’s one story that President Obama argues we’ll be living with for decades to come.

“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other. And that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate,” he said in September, addressing the United Nations Climate Change Summit.

Even as Obama struggled with other big challenges this year, climate was one area where he managed to get some traction.

As far as ‘climate change’ goes, the United Nations is pushing a similar agenda (see United Nations insists ‘climate change’ is real and steps need to be taken: but which steps?) and its Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon even stated that on many matters the Vatican and the United Nations have the same goals (see UN states it has the ‘same goals’ as the Vatican).  One problem, however, is that neither Pope Francis, Barack Obama, nor Ban Ki-Moon seem to understand the true cause of bizarre weather.

Do humans have any impact on the climate?

Yes.  The Bible repeatedly warns, especially in the Hebrew scriptures, that various sins will result in negative climate change (see Weather Blessings and Sorrows).  Other than alluding to possible sins related to financial greed, did the United Nations’ Secretary General, the Vatican’s Pope, or USA’s President call for repentance?


Did any mention the growing acceptance of the homosexual agenda as being related to climate change?


Do all scientists believe that a massive elimination of all fossil fuels will resolve problems associated with climate change?


Have the United Nations, Pope, and/or USA President been quoting biblical prophecy related to ‘climate change’?


Is anything dramatic going to happen with the climate?


The Bible says that we will have a horrible period of high heat in the future, and eventually no islands:

15 “But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you: 16 “Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country. 17 “Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. 18 “Cursed shall be the fruit of your body and the produce of your land, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks. 19 “Cursed shall you be when you come in, and cursed shall you be when you go out. 20 “The Lord will send on you cursing, confusion, and rebuke in all that you set your hand to do, until you are destroyed and until you perish quickly, because of the wickedness of your doings in which you have forsaken Me. 21 The Lord will make the plague cling to you until He has consumed you from the land which you are going to possess. 22 The Lord will strike you with consumption, with fever, with inflammation, with severe burning fever, with the sword, with scorching, and with mildew; they shall pursue you until you perish. 23 And your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you shall be iron. 24 The Lord will change the rain of your land to powder and dust; from the heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed. (Deuteronomy 28:15-24)

8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory. (Revelation 16:8-9)

18 And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. 19 Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. 20 Then every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. (Revelation 16:18-20)

Back in 2009, in a book, I mentioned the following was about to happen:

Considering all of the natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, food shortages, and economic problems in the past few years, perhaps this would be a good time to explain that the Bible shows that these problems were expected to occur prior to the great tribulation. Those outside the Bible have sometimes referred to a time such as this as a time of transition or chaos. …

There will be a generation that will experience end-time events, beginning with “sorrows,” including the Great Tribulation, heavenly signs, and finally the return of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:5-34). …

Mark recorded the same account of this time from his perspective:

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked Him privately, 4 “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign when all these things will be fulfilled?” 5 And Jesus, answering them, began to say: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 6 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and will deceive many. 7 But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. 8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. 9 But watch out for yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and you will be beaten in the synagogues. You will be brought before rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony to them. 10 And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations. 11 But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit…” (Mark 13:3–11).

Thus, in both Matthew and Mark it is clear that a time called “the beginning of sorrows” precedes the Great Tribulation.

Notice that in Mark’s account he uses the term troubles. Troubles would seem to include economic and political problems, in addition to those specifically mentioned, such as wars, famines, natural disasters, and pestilences. …

Odd weather patterns result in food shortages and natural disasters. Matthew 24:7
The world is actually in a berserk transition, as the real age of peace is not yet here.  It may be a period of chaos.  It is the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24:8

(Thiel B. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.  Nazarene Books, 2009)

The above was published because it was consistent with Bible prophecy.  We have been seeing odd weather patterns and the United Nations and others are concerned about related food shortages.

The problems that the world is now facing should be a wake-up call to repent. The warnings from the Bible are going out, but many prefer to put their trust in humankind and not God to solve the problems.

Now, what actually triggered this particular post was the next item I saw in the news today:

January 3, 2015

First up from the God Machine this week is the increasing relevance of Pope Francis on domestic politics.
The conservative Washington Times reported this week, for example, “President Obama increasingly is finding a key policy ally in the Vatican, with Pope Francis standing virtually shoulder to shoulder with the White House on” several key issues.
The Hill added the same day that the pope “is increasingly driving a wedge between conservatives and the Catholic Church.”
The magnetic pope has sparked new enthusiasm around the world for the church and has flexed his political muscles internationally, most recently by helping to engineer a new relationship between the United States and Cuba.
But Francis’s agenda, which also includes calls to address income inequality and limit climate change, is putting him at odds with Republicans, including GOP Catholics in the United States.

This dynamic is likely to intensify fairly soon – Francis is reportedly investing considerable time, energy, and focus in 2015 to urging Catholics around the globe to combat climate change, an environmental crisis that many American Republicans continue to argue does not exist. …

Francis played a role in the recent U.S./Cuba breakthrough…the White House is looking for as many notable allies as it can assemble, and on several key issues, it appears Obama and Francis are on the same page.

The new dialogue with Cuba (see NYT: Papal diplomacy leading to a thaw in Cuba-USA relations) was one of only a few 2014 items I heard Barack Obama boast about as an accomplishment several days ago.

The Pope, Barack Obama, and the United Nations also share much of the ecumenical and inter-faith agenda.

The Bible tells of a harlot woman, also called the great city on seven mountains/hills (Rome), who has improper relations with the kings of the world (Revelation 17):

1 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”

3 So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.  5 And on her forehead a name was written:


6 I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. …

9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. …

18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth. (Revelation 17:1-6, 9, 18)

The more we see world leaders like the USA President and UN Secretary General endorse and promote the Pope’s agenda, the clearer it should be that the Church of Rome has a certain reign over the kings of the earth even today.  It had even more during the time of the so-called ‘Holy Roman Empire’ and will have more in the future.

Pope Francis is building up and exercising political power.  While not all Pope Francis promotes is wrong, much of what he really stands for is.  Notice what he stated a couple of days ago:

January 2, 2015

“On this first day of the year, in the joyful atmosphere of Christmas, the Church invites us to fix our gaze of faith and of love on the Mother of Jesus.”

The Pope extended this invitation when speaking to the crowds gathered for the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square on Thursday, on the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. …

Pope Francis prayed that Mary “extend the mantle of your maternal protection over each and every one of us in the New Year: ‘O Holy Mother of God despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin.’”

The above position of Pope Francis is wrong.  The Bible NEVER TEACHES THAT WE FIX OUR GAZE OF FAITH ON JESUS’ MOTHER.  This is part of the false gospel that Pope Francis advocates (see also Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy? 2 Corinthians 11:4; Galatians 1:6-8). Notice one warning from the Apostle Paul:

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:6-8)

While some believe that Pope Francis looks like a lamb, he often speaks like a dragon (Revelation 13:11).  Even if he ends up doing ‘miracles’ (cf. Revelation 13:12-16), he should not be followed.

The Bible warns about leaders who go the wrong direction:

12 As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.” (Isaiah 3:12)

16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err, And those who are led by them are destroyed (Isaiah 9:16).

Involving the Pope is helping set up for the USA, and later the world, for destruction.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Anti-Pope Francis? Some cardinals and other members of the Roman Catholic clergy are concerned that Pope Francis has deviated from its traditional positions on matters such as homosexuality, salvation, fornication, remarriage, and other doctrines.  Australian Cardinal George Pell even mentioned ‘antipopes’ when discussing Pope Francis.  North American Cardinal Raymond Burke has raised many concerns about Francis’ pontificate.  Did Catholic saints teach that popes could become heretics?  Will the final pope not be Catholic? Is an ecumenical pontiff possibly the final Antichrist? What do both biblical, and even Roman Catholic, prophecies warn about?  Could Pope Francis be an antipope and final Antichrist? This is a video.  A written article of related interest is: Australian Cardinal hints Francis could be an antipope; US Cardinal also expresses doubts about Pope Francis.
Could Pope Francis be the Last Pope and Antichrist? Former Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is now Pope Francis. According to some interpretations of the prophecies of the popes by the Catholic saint and Bishop Malachy, Pope Francis is in the position of “Peter the Roman,” the pontiff who reigns during tribulations until around the time of the destruction of Rome. Do biblical prophecies warn of someone that sounds like Peter the Roman? Could Francis be the heretical antipope of Catholic private prophecies and the final Antichrist of Bible prophecy? Could a Jesuit be “the black pope”?
Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy? Pope Francis has taken many steps to turn people more towards his version of ‘Mary.’ Could this be consistent with biblical and Catholic prophecies? This article documents what has been happening. There is also a video version titled Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy?
United Nations: Humankind’s Last Hope or New World Order? Is the UN the last hope for humanity? Or might its goals end up with sinister results? A related video would be United Nations and Vatican Are Planning the New World Order.
Weather Blessings and Sorrows Are weather problems a warning? What should be done? What does the Bible teach about weather? What about floods, droughts, heat, earthquakes, tornadoes, and solar storms? Here is a related YouTube video Does God Use Weather? A related item in the Spanish language would be Bendiciones y maldiciones del clima.
The Bible, Christians, and the Environment How should Christians view the environment? Does the Bible give any clues? What are some of the effects of air, water, and land pollution? Is environmental pollution a factor in autism and death? Do pollutants seem to double the autism risk? What will Jesus do? A YouTube video is available titled Air Pollution, Autism, and Prophecy.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.
Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
Market Collapse then New World Order in 2015? This is a video. A long-time financial adviser named Harvey Organ claims that claims that because of insufficient gold in the central banks of USA and UK, that Shanghai would bring about exposing this and that this would lead to a massive, overnight, rise in the price of gold and silver, diminished value of their currencies. He states a market collapse will occur before the end of 2014, that the petroyuan will replace the petrodollar, and that a Chinese led New World Order will be in place for 2015. Is this possible? Where does the leader of the ‘New World Order’ come from? What does the Bible teach?
Project Prophecy: Economic Collapse Starting in 2015? Jim Rickards once worked for the CIA and also was once part of a a USA government program called called ‘Project Prophecy.’ He has a video were he claims that starting in 2015, the USA may have economic collapse resulting in a 25-Year Great Depression. He mainly cites debt figures and claims advises alternatives to the USA dollar which he says will collapse? What did Rand Paul state? Can the USA dollar collapse?
The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation.
How Will Middle East Peace be Brought About? Can humans bring peace to the Middle East? Here is a link to a related video: Middle East Peace? When?
World War III: Steps in Progress Are there surprising actions going on now that are leading to WWIII? Might a nuclear attack be expected? Does the Bible promise protection to all or only some Christians? How can you be part of those that will be protected? A related video would be Is World War III About to Begin? Can You Escape?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2015, 2016, or 2017? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2014 o 2015? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language sermon video: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives.
Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2015?
When will the Great Tribulation begin? Can it begin in 2015 as some have indicated? What are the biblical requirements that precede the Great Tribulation? What did Jesus teach would happen prior to the Great Tribulation. Are there definite clues in the Book of Daniel that Christians should look out for? Is there a King of the North or a King of the South yet? Where does the ‘prince’ of Daniel 9:26-27 come from? What about ‘blood moons’? Dr. Thiel videoed this on the Mount of Olives where Jesus specifically discussed events leading up to the Great Tribulation in Matthew 24.
Can those in the USA/UK see the Handwriting on the Wall? Is everything fine in the USA/UK or is it like the days of Noah? Can we learn from the handwriting that appeared on a wall thousands of years ago? Here is a link to a related YouTube video Can you see the ‘Handwriting on the Wall’?
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin?
Why Should American Catholics Fear Unity with the Orthodox? Are the current ecumenical meetings a good thing or will they result in disaster? Is doctrinal compromise good? Here is a link to a related video Should you be concerned about the ecumenical movement?
Which Is Faithful: The Roman Catholic Church or the Continuing Church of God? Do you know that both groups shared a lot of the earliest teachings? Do you know which church changed? Do you know which group is most faithful to the teachings of the apostolic church? Which group best represents true Christianity? This documented article answers those questions.
Beware: Protestants Going Towards Ecumenical Destruction! What is going on in the Protestant world? Are Protestants turning back to their ‘mother church’ in Rome? Does the Bible warn about this? What are Catholic plans and prophecies related to this? Is Protestantism doomed? watch the video Charismatic Kenneth Copeland and Anglican Tony Palmer: Protestants Beware!
Some Similarities and Differences Between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Continuing Church of God Both groups claim to be the original church, but both groups have differing ways to claim it. Both groups have some amazing similarities and some major differences. Do you know what they are?
Orthodox Must Reject Unity with the Roman Catholics Unity between these groups will put them in position to be part of the final end time Babylon that the Bible warns against as well as require improper compromise.
United Nations: Humankind’s Last Hope or New World Order? Is the UN the last hope for humanity? Or might its goals end up with sinister results? A related video would be United Nations and Vatican Are Planning the New World Order.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2015, 2016, or 2017? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2014 o 2015? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language sermon video: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives.
Where is the True Christian Church Today? This free online pdf booklet answers that question and includes 18 proofs, clues, and signs to identify the true vs. false Christian church. Plus 7 proofs, clues, and signs to help identify Laodicean churches. A related sermon is also available: Where is the True Christian Church? Here is a link to the booklet in the Spanish language: ¿Dónde está la verdadera Iglesia cristiana de hoy?
Continuing History of the Church of God This pdf booklet is a historical overview of the true Church of God and some of its main opponents from c. 31 A.D. to 2014. A related sermon link would be Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D. Marque aquí para ver el pdf folleto: Continuación de la Historia de la Iglesia de Dios.

Sermon: The ‘Lost Tribe’ of Reuben

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

Reuben Was in Palestine Until Deportation


The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce this sermon from its ContinuingCOG channel:

There are ten tribes of Israel that many consider to be lost. In this sermon, videoed in France, Dr. Thiel discusses the “lost tribe” of Reuben and scriptures related to Reuben and ties the migration of some of the Gauls and Sycthians in France to the descendants of Reuben. Source from the Bible to Josephus to Dibar Apartian to Yair Davidiy are cited as well as other observations and information.

This is the first part of a series. Here is a link to the second part of the sermon: France and Prophecy.

A written article of related interest is titled: The ‘Lost Tribe’ of Reuben: France in Prophecy?

Here is a link to the video sermon: The ‘Lost Tribe’ of Reuben.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

The ‘Lost Tribe’ of Reuben: France in Prophecy? What is the origin of this in France? What is prophesied to happen to them? A two-part sermon related to history and prophecy is available online: The ‘Lost Tribe’ of Reuben and France and Prophecy.
Jerusalem: Past, Present, and Future What does the Bible say about Jerusalem and its future? Is Jerusalem going to be divided and eliminated? Is Jesus returning to the area of Jerusalem? There is also a related YouTube video you can watch titled Jerusalem To be divided and eliminated.
Must the Ten Kings of Revelation 17:12 Rule over Ten Currently Existing Nations? Some claim that these passages refer to a gathering of 10 currently existing nations together, while one group teaches that this is referring to 11 nations getting together. Is that what Revelation 17:12-13 refers to? The ramifications of misunderstanding this are enormous. A related sermon is titled Ten Kings of Revelation and the Great Tribulation.
Ten clues tying Belgium and Luxembourg with the tribe of Asher Who did some in Belgium and Luxembourg descend from?
Ten clues tying Zebulun with the Dutch Who did some in the Netherlands descend from?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
European Technology and the Beast of Revelation Will the coming European Beast power would use and develop technology that will result in the taking over of the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies? Is this possible? What does the Bible teach? Here is a related YouTube video: Military Technology and the Beast of Revelation.
Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North? Is the former German Defense Minister (who is also the former German Minister for Economics and Technology) one to watch? What do Catholic, Byzantine, and biblical prophecies suggest?
Germany’s Assyrian Roots Throughout History Are the Germanic peoples descended from Asshur of the Bible? Have there been real Christians in Germanic history? What about the “Holy Roman Empire”? There is also a You-Tube video sermon on this titled Germany’s Biblical Origins.
Germany in Biblical and Catholic Prophecy Does Assyria in the Bible equate to an end time power inhabiting the area of the old Roman Empire? What does prophecy say Germany will do and what does it say will happen to most of the German people?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European? The Book of Revelation tells of a beast power that will rise up. Some think that this must be Russia or could be Islamic, while others say that this power is European. The Book of Daniel tells of the rise of an end time King of the North that some think must be referring to a Russian leader, while others say that this power is European. How can you be sure? This YouTube video has all the scriptural proofs that you should need to prove that this power must be a European one.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.
Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
British are the Covenant People What do ‘British’ and ‘Britain’ mean in Hebrew? Are the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons people of the covenant? Does the British royal family connect to the throne of David? What does the Bible teach? What does history show us? Is there any DNA evidence related to British-Israelism? When did Christianity make it to the British Isles? Could Jeremiah have made it to the British Isles? What type of Christians made it to the British Isles? Did the last King of England believe in British Israelism?
WTO/TTIP and the Babylonian Beast Will international trade agreements like WTO/TTIP/CETA lead to the fulfillment of end time prophecies concerning the Babylonian Beast power that the Book of Revelation warns against? What does the Bible teach? A related video would be WTO Trade Deal and the Rise of the European Beast Power.
World War III: Steps in Progress Are there surprising actions going on now that are leading to WWIII? Might a nuclear attack be expected? Does the Bible promise protection to all or only some Christians? How can you be part of those that will be protected? A related video would be Is World War III About to Begin? Can You Escape?
Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God. To see how CCOG has done so far, here is a sermon Continuing Church of God (CCOG) first year anniversary: What has been accomplished? Here is a written link to a version of that sermon in the Spanish language: Aniversario del primer año de la Continuación de la Iglesia de Dios: ¿Qué se ha cumplido?
CCOG.ASIA We in the Continuing Church of God also have the url which has a focus on Asia and has various articles in Mandarin Chinese as well as some in English, plus some items in other Asian languages. 我们在继续神的教会也提供此网址, 关注于亚洲并且有各种各样的中英文文章,其中一些用菲律宾语翻译的文章也正在进行中,准备添加到这个网站中。 Here is a link to our Statement of Beliefs in Mandarin Chinese 继续神的教会的信仰声明.
CCOG.IN This is a website targeted towards those of Indian heritage. It has a link to an edited Hindi translation of The Mystery of the Ages and is expected to have more non-English language materials in the future.
CCOG.EU This is a website targeted toward Europe. It has materials in more than one language (currently it has English, Dutch, and Serbian, with links also to Spanish) and it is intended to have additional language materials added.
CDLIDD.ES La Continuación de la Iglesia de Dios. This is the Spanish language website for the Continuing Church of God.
PNIND.PH Patuloy na Iglesya ng Diyos. This is the Philippines website Continuing Church of God. It has information in English and Tagalog.
Paglalahad ng Mga Paniniwala ng Patuloy na Iglesya ng Diyos This is the Statement of Beliefs of the Continuing Church of God in Tagalog, the primary language of the Philippines.
Bible News Prophecy online radio. This is an audio version of the Bible News Prophecy videos as well as some ContinuingCOG channel sermons. It is also available as a mobile app.
ContinuingCOG channel. Dr. Thiel has produced scores of YouTube video sermons for this channel. Note: Since these are sermon-length, they can take a little longer to load than other YouTube videos.

NBC wonders if Vladimir Putin will remain in power

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

Russian Brown Bear


NBC is wondering if Russia’s President Vladimir Putin could lose his power:

January 2, 2015

Runs on the bank. Hyperinflation. Russia’s currency — the ruble — in free fall. It may sound like today’s Russia, but these were also the symptoms of its 1998 economic meltdown. That crisis eventually forced Russian President Boris Yeltsin out of power, and put Vladimir Putin, a shy and relatively unknown KGB official, in his place. …

Putin now faces another major economic crisis that, left unresolved, could threaten his hold on power.

“If [the] crisis will deepen, which most likely it will do, and if it will be quite prolonged, then of course sooner or later it will have an impact on [his] popularity,” said Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of “Russia in Global Affairs.” …

Even as Russia sinks back into recession for the first time in six years, Putin remains popular with an approval rating surpassing 80 percent, according to a recent Associated Press-National Opinion Research Center poll.

Nekrilov would still vote for him. “I blame America for this situation,” he said. “They want to conquer the world and be Number 1!”

Some Kremlin-watchers would bet that Putin still has enough political capital — and foreign reserves — to ride out this storm if he can maintain his control over the Russian media and hammer home his message that Russia is under attack.

“There are American bases all over the world and you’re trying to say that we’re being aggressive,” Putin said in a defense of Russia’s defiance of NATO and the West during his annual live televised news conference on Dec. 18. “Our budget is $50 billion — the Pentagon budget is 10 times higher.”

Maybe our bear should sit quietly, not chasing any piglets around, but just eating honey and berries. Maybe they should just leave him alone? They will not,” he added. “They are trying to put it on a chain. And as soon as they do it they will tear his teeth and claws out.”

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul says this siege mentality is part of a narrative Putin has adopted for at least the past couple of years. “That the West is out to get Russia, that the White House wants to bring about regime change inside Russia, and that he, Putin, is defending Russia against these external enemies.”

According to McFaul, this is why Russia is flexing its muscles, with Putin launching war games on the borders with Ukraine and the Baltics, and sending fighter jet patrols inside NATO air space in numbers unseen since the end of the Cold War. “He’s sending a signal, he’s testing the NATO alliance, and I think in very dangerous ways,” McFaul said.

Could Vladimir Putin lose his position?


Will he soon?

That is an entirely different matter.

Of course, PCG’s Gerald Flurry teaches this is not possible as he teaches that Vladimir Putin is the prophesied “Prince of Rosh” of Ezekiel 38.

Although Vladimir Putin is NOT the prophesied “Prince of Rosh” of Ezekiel 38, he could still remain in power until his term ends and possibly have influence later.  In my view, he has taken several steps already to remain in power and is planning additional steps to keep in power.

What Vladimir Putin wants is governance over all the territories of the old Soviet Union, including Ukraine. That is part of why he pushed for and has agreed to a new Eurasian Union and oversaw the annexation of Crimea.

Yet, that is not all he wants. He has worked with China, India, Brazil, and South Africa to form an organization that is an alternative to the Western dominated International Monetary Fund (see BRICS take another step to reduce USA dollar dominance). He also wants to have broader military ties with China, India, and others and has been working towards that.

He also would like to drive more of a wedge between the European Union and the USA.

He wants the USA dollar dumped as the world’s reserve currency.

His goal is to establish a Russian-led empire in a world no longer dominated by the USA.

Yet, while Russia will not be the dominant force in the world for the next several years, the time will come when the USA will not be. And while that will not all be the direct result of Vladimir Putin’s plans, it will be the end result of what he, leaders in Europe, leaders in the USA, and leaders elsewhere are doing.

Russian leaders feel that Ukraine has been deceived by the West and will some day embrace Russia.  Notice something published online by The Guardian a little while back:

The last few months have witnessed a coup d’état in Ukraine, military operations by the Ukrainian authorities against the people of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts and rabidly anti-Russian policies on the part of Kiev. Was it possible to predict this turn of events just a year ago?

Nikolai Patrushev: Our experts warned that a worsening of the situation in Ukraine was likely under conditions of political and economic instability, particularly in the case of outside influence. But I have to admit that the possibility of a sudden seizure of power in Kiev, relying on armed units of self-proclaimed Nazis, hadn’t then been considered. It’s worth remembering that until that coup, Moscow fulfilled all its obligations to Kiev in full.

Without the material and financial help that we constantly supplied, Ukraine wouldn’t have been able to deal with its economic problems, which had become chronic. To help our neighbour, we marshalled material and financial resources worth tens of millions of dollars. For many people in Ukraine, this help came to seem so routine that they simply forgot how important it was for the survival of the country.

But if you’re talking about longer-term predictions, the Ukraine crisis was a totally predictable outcome of the actions of the US and its closest allies.

A whole generation of Ukrainians [have been] brought up to hate Russia and believe in the mythology of ‘European values’

For the last quarter of a century, these actions were designed to wrest Ukraine and other former Soviet republics away from Russia and to redesign the post-Soviet space in America’s interests. The US created the conditions and pretexts for the coloured revolutions and financed them lavishly. …

Ukraine simply cannot prosper without Russia, whether it likes it or not … The complete severing of these ties would be a painful blow for Russia but it would be a catastrophe for Ukraine

I think that when Ukrainians do come to their senses, it will be difficult and painful. We can only hope that this happens quite fast. Rapid disillusionment is possible for a whole range of reasons. I want to mention one more factor that is crucial. However events develop from here, the importance that Russia and Ukraine represent for one another will endure. Ukraine simply cannot prosper without Russia, whether it likes it or not.

Vladimir Putin probably agrees with much of Nikolai Patrusky’s assessment. Most of those in Ukraine do not–and since this time, Ukraine has taken steps to get it closer to the West and NATO (see Russia providing impetus for Europe to arm; Ukraine moving towards NATO?). If Europe can pump enough money into Ukraine, the Ukrainians will keep their current leanings towards Europe for a time.

Russia will have ups and downs.

Vladimir Putin’s Eurasian Union just began officially yesterday and is a sign that he is making progress towards some of his goals.

And while Vladimir Putin will likely stay around for some time, he is replaceable.

The goal that he has to unite Asian powers with Russia will come to pass according to biblical prophecy (Jeremiah 51, Jeremiah 52, Revelation 16), though not quite as Vladimir Putin himself seems to think.  Nor as people such as US President Barack Obama think.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future Russia in prophecy. Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? There is also a video sermon available: Russia in the Bible and in Prophecy and a video sermonette available: Ukraine in Prophecy?
The Eurasian Union, the Kings of the East, and Bible Prophecy Is there a Eurasian union that will be formed? Is one being formed right now? Are any leaders working on that in the 21st century? Does the Bible teach that there will be a Eurasian union? If some type of Eurasian union is formed, who might it benefit and who will it destroy? A related video would be Is The Eurasian Union Rising?
Is There an Islamic Antichrist? Is Joel Richardson correct that the final Antichrist will be Islamic and not European? Find out.
Two Horned Beast of Revelation and 666 Who is 666? This article explains how the COG views this, and compares this to Ellen White.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.
Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.


Israel protests betrayal by France–a prelude to the future?

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

French Military Items (Bob47)


Israeli officials reported complaints with France concerning France’s latest vote for the Palestinians:

January 2, 2015

French ambassador to Israel Patrick Maisonnave reported to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem on Friday after being summoned over his country’s vote in favor of the Palestinian statehood resolution at the UN Security Council earlier this week. French officials told Haaretz that Maisonnave clarified in the meeting that France voted for the resolution in order to try and prevent the Palestinians from pursuing other unilateral steps such as joining the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon said that the ministry’s deputy director-general for Western Europe, Aviv Shir-On, told the French ambassador that Israel was deeply disappointed by France’s stance and its vote in the UNSC. “The only way to reach progress with the Palestinians is through direct negotiations, not through unilateral announcements or a unilateral policy,” Shir-On said at the meeting.

During the meeting, the French ambassador said that the international community is of one mind over the need to break the diplomatic stalemate and the dangerous status quo. According to him, France voted as it did in order to encourage the sides back to the negotiating table.

Maisonnave also said that France disagreed with several parts in the Palestinian resolution and therefore tried to formulate its own draft.

The USA and Australia stood with Israel on that particular UN vote.

While some in LCG have publicly wondered if France will support the final Beast power (see Must the Ten Kings of Revelation 17:12 Rule over Ten Currently Existing Nations?), the late Evangelist Dibar Apartian clearly wrote:

This soon-coming union of ten nations or governments prophetically represents the last “head” of the resurrected “beast”-the revival of the “Holy Roman Empire” (Rev. 17 :9- 1 2). But contrary to what you may think, it will NOT consist only of Gentile nations. It will INCLUDE a group of ISRAELITISH nations. “Come out of her , my people,” says God in Revelation 18:4. “My people” means Israelites in Bible prophecy. Yes, once again, Joseph’ s own brothers will sell him to the Gentiles!

Once again REUBEN (the first-born of Jacob who anciently conspired with his brothers, will “act” in terms of saving him, but end · up by compromising with his brothers to send him into CAPTIVITY.

Ever since the early days of American history, the French have been on our side. There exists a brotherly link among all the ISRAELITISH nations. Nevertheless, by uniting politically with the “beast,” some of the modern Israelites will be instrumental in conquering the United States and Great Britain.

So says YOUR Bible! (Apartian D. De Gaulle and the Next World War. Plain Truth, September 1964, p. 11)

France was part of the old Roman Empire, parts of France were in the old ‘Holy Roman Empire,’ and for a time, France will support the final Beast of the Sea of Revelation 13.

France’s betrayal of Israel in the USA is simply a prelude to its coming betrayal of the USA and its British-descended allies.  Notice what Dibar Apartian also wrote:

(Gen. 37:18-20). Notice well what took place. The brothers CONSPIRED against Joseph; filled with jealousy, they wanted to KILL him. Afterwards, they would LIE to their father, telling him that a wild beast had devoured Joseph. What about the next two verses, some may argue? Well, let’s once again examine them in the light of the Biblical account, and let US not be misled by our human reasoning.

“And Reuben heard it [the plot to kill Joseph], and he delivered him out of their hands; and said, Let us not kill him. And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand Upon him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again (verses 21, 22).

At first glance, it may seem, indeed , as though Reuben acted well. He proposed an alternative to deliver Joseph out of his brothers’ hands. This sounds good to our human mind, to our carnal way of thinking. But is that what was expected of Reuben? Is that all he could do- he, the firstborn? Was his duty to compromise with his brothers over whom he had authority? According to the Bible, a firstborn in Israel had certain privileges his brothers did not have. His heritage was bigger and he received the greater portion of the blessings. He was next to his father in power and authority. Therefore, as the leader of his brothers, Reuben was actually RESPONSIBLE for what happened to Joseph. He should have acted the way Jacob, his father, would have acted had he been there- and not have compromised with them. Many overlook this important point when they read this story. Consequently, they don’t see where Reuben failed. No, Reuben did NOT act with courage and dignity. He was afraid of his brothers; he FEARED for his own life if he tried to stop them by force. COMPROMISE is all he could think of – but compromise is a very poor substitute for one’s own duties and responsibilities. …

A Striking Parallel

There may be a striking parallel between Reuben’s behavior in the past and that of France today. Indeed, in a few years, Reuben’s modern descendants will be at the side of the prophesied “beast” of Revelation when the Anglo-Saxons (the descendants of Joseph) are taken captive. France, like her forefather Reuben, will probably seek a compromise to prevent her former allies – the very SONS of Joseph – from being taken captive by the enemy. But what good will that really do? What good did it do to Joseph?

A compromise never relieves one from one’s own responsibilities. Without a doubt, Reuben loved his brother; he exerted himself in his own ways, through his own human reasoning, to save him. But the fact remains that he ended up by acting like a foe! France today also likes her “kin,” her natural allies. But, unless she repents, France will end up BEING a foe!

(Apartian D. France: The Enigma of our Time. Plain Truth, August 1966, p. 32)

During the last two WORLD WARS France was at the side of her natural allies, the Anglo-Saxons. They are, indeed, her natural allies because the French people, in turn, are the modern DESCENDANTS of one of the twelve tribes of Israel, namely REUBEN! The situation, however, will be quite different during the next WORLD WAR, France will no longer fight at the side of her former allies; she will turn AGAINST them. The descendants of Reuben will play their part in selling into slavery their brother Joseph – just as Reuben did some 3700 years ago. You are now beginning to see why the relations between the United States of America and France are gradually deteriorating. (Apartian D. France: The Enigma of our Time. Plain Truth, August 1966, pp. 11-12)

My wife and I returned from a trip to France earlier this week and there are many reasons to conclude the Dibar Apartian’s understanding of scriptures on this are correct.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

The ‘Lost Tribe’ of Reuben: France in Prophecy? What is the origin of this in France? What is prophesied to happen to them? A two-part sermon related to history and prophecy is available online: The ‘Lost Tribe’ of Reuben and France and Prophecy.
Jerusalem: Past, Present, and Future What does the Bible say about Jerusalem and its future? Is Jerusalem going to be divided and eliminated? Is Jesus returning to the area of Jerusalem? There is also a related YouTube video you can watch titled Jerusalem To be divided and eliminated.
Must the Ten Kings of Revelation 17:12 Rule over Ten Currently Existing Nations? Some claim that these passages refer to a gathering of 10 currently existing nations together, while one group teaches that this is referring to 11 nations getting together. Is that what Revelation 17:12-13 refers to? The ramifications of misunderstanding this are enormous. A related sermon is titled Ten Kings of Revelation and the Great Tribulation.
Ten clues tying Belgium and Luxembourg with the tribe of Asher Who did some in Belgium and Luxembourg descend from?
Ten clues tying Zebulun with the Dutch Who did some in the Netherlands descend from?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
European Technology and the Beast of Revelation Will the coming European Beast power would use and develop technology that will result in the taking over of the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies? Is this possible? What does the Bible teach? Here is a related YouTube video: Military Technology and the Beast of Revelation.
Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North? Is the former German Defense Minister (who is also the former German Minister for Economics and Technology) one to watch? What do Catholic, Byzantine, and biblical prophecies suggest?
Germany’s Assyrian Roots Throughout History Are the Germanic peoples descended from Asshur of the Bible? Have there been real Christians in Germanic history? What about the “Holy Roman Empire”? There is also a You-Tube video sermon on this titled Germany’s Biblical Origins.
Germany in Biblical and Catholic Prophecy Does Assyria in the Bible equate to an end time power inhabiting the area of the old Roman Empire? What does prophecy say Germany will do and what does it say will happen to most of the German people?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European? The Book of Revelation tells of a beast power that will rise up. Some think that this must be Russia or could be Islamic, while others say that this power is European. The Book of Daniel tells of the rise of an end time King of the North that some think must be referring to a Russian leader, while others say that this power is European. How can you be sure? This YouTube video has all the scriptural proofs that you should need to prove that this power must be a European one.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.
Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
British are the Covenant People What do ‘British’ and ‘Britain’ mean in Hebrew? Are the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons people of the covenant? Does the British royal family connect to the throne of David? What does the Bible teach? What does history show us? Is there any DNA evidence related to British-Israelism? When did Christianity make it to the British Isles? Could Jeremiah have made it to the British Isles? What type of Christians made it to the British Isles? Did the last King of England believe in British Israelism?
WTO/TTIP and the Babylonian Beast Will international trade agreements like WTO/TTIP/CETA lead to the fulfillment of end time prophecies concerning the Babylonian Beast power that the Book of Revelation warns against? What does the Bible teach? A related video would be WTO Trade Deal and the Rise of the European Beast Power.
World War III: Steps in Progress Are there surprising actions going on now that are leading to WWIII? Might a nuclear attack be expected? Does the Bible promise protection to all or only some Christians? How can you be part of those that will be protected? A related video would be Is World War III About to Begin? Can You Escape?
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.

Seventh-day Adventist on Sunday laws

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

Sunday Church Naxos Greece

Sunday Church, Naxos Greece


The late Seventh-day Adventist scholar Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi had the following in one of his newsletters:


Many years Adventists have been wondering what could triggers thepromulgation of international Sunday laws. In my past readings I found references to social, ecological, economic, and energy considerations as possible reasons for introducing Sunday Laws.

I came as surprise for me to learn this past week that the impetus for Sunday laws may come from the current financial crisis that affects many nations today. The European Episcopal Commission, known as COMECE, consisting of 24 bishops, each representing a western country, met in Brussels, the headquarter of the European Parliament from November 12-14, 2008.

The Bishops agreed that “the financial crisis has exposed a deeper spiritual crisis and a misguided set of values. The sense and value of human work has been pushed to the background in the general struggle for profit.”“In their exchange of views with the State Secretary for European Affairs, the Church representatives expressed their wish to see the Sunday rest day being better protected in national legislations as well as in the future EU Working Time Directive which is currently being revised.”

“The Bishops called for respect for Sunday rest as one of the foundations of the European social model and as a way of balancing work and family life. In recent years, Sunday as a weekly rest day has been threatened by legislation in many Member States thanks to liberal and consumerist-driven political concepts. In the context of the present economic crisis, Bishops call on the Members of the European Parliament to assume their responsibilities and include the protection of Sunday in the Working Time Directive that will be submitted to the European Parliament’s vote by the middle of December.” (

What this means is that at their next meeting scheduled by December 15, the European Parliament will discuss the European Bishops’ request to pass a legislation “for the protection of Sunday.” This is a startling new development in Western Europe where Sunday has become a secular day.

There are signs that such legislation could draw support in the USA. In an article entitled “ Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need,” Michael Pearce’s Blog writes: “There have been a lot of changes in the past 100 years.Not only have we seen gang activity increase along with crimes, but so has energy consumption.The other change I realized was the rescinding of the ‘Sunday Laws’ across the United States.”

The article continues listing a host of benefits provided by Sunday Laws. The conclusion of the article is: “So perhaps we should consider enacting a Sunday Law.Not to restrict people from working, but to give liberty to those who can’t choose.And imagine the tax dollars that would be saved?” (

It will be interesting to see if the European Parliament will pass a legislation “for the protection of Sunday,” and the possible repercussions of such legislation in other countries, including the USA.

While the SDAs have a lot of prophetic misunderstandings (SDA/CCOG Differences: Two Horned Beast of Revelation and 666), they are correct that Europe will adopt Sunday (I do not believe that the USA will seriously adopt Sunday until militarily forced to).

Sunday was essentially adopted by Greco-Roman supporters who had contact with Mithraism (see Sunday and Christianity and Do You Practice Mithraism?) who seem to decide that they would be subject to less Imperial persecution if they adopted the more acceptable (to the Romans, not God) Sunday as opposed to Saturday.

The ideas of Sunday laws are not new. The first Sunday law was enacted by Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century.

Constantine decreed circa March 7, 321:

Let all judges, the people of cities, and those employed in all trades, remain quiet on the Holy Day of Sunday. (Code of Justinian, Book III, Title XII, III. THE JUSTINIAN CODE FROM THE CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. Translated from the original Latin by Samuel P. Scott. Central Trust Company, Cincinnati, 1932).

Shortly after the above decree, Eusebius recorded this about Constantine:

Accordingly he enjoined on all the subjects of the Roman empire to observe the Lord’s day, as a day of rest (Eusebius. Life of Constantine, Book IV, Chapter 18).

Notice that “the Lord’s day” became enjoined by a decree of a Roman Empire. Also notice the following:

There is a large body of civil legislation on the Sunday rest side by side with the ecclesiastical. It begins with an Edict of Constantine, the first Christian emperor, who forbade judges to sit and townspeople to work on Sunday (Slater T. Transcribed by Scott Anthony Hibbs. Sunday. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XIV Copyright © 1912 by Robert Appleton Company Online Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight).

Perhaps it should be mentioned that Pope Francis has indicated a desire for more Sunday laws in the 21st century (see Pope Francis pushes for no work on Sunday–a prelude to a new Sunday law? What about Saturday?).

Notice the following related to Constantine and Sunday written by one who observes Sunday:

So prominent had Christians and their day become that when the Emperor Constantine proclaimed Sun Day as the weekly holy day for all Romans, some Christians believed that it was for their sake. More likely Constantine, like many Roman aristocrats of the time, was simply trying to find common ground for his mixed pagan and Christian subjects, especially his soldiers. Unity was for the good of the state and the emperors’ power (Harline C. Sunday: A History of the First Day from Babylonia to the Super Bowl. Doubleday, NY, 2007, p. 17).

However, after a time, Constantine did clearly begin to provide more favor the Roman version of Christianity which (like the pagans, but unlike the Church of God) endorsed Sunday. He, the sun-worshiping emperor, then called for the famous Council of Nicea, which took place in 325 A.D. This council decided that Sunday was to be the day of worship and that Passover was to be observed on Sunday (and that eventually became what is known as Easter). After that council, those in the Church of God who kept the Sabbath were considered to be heretics and outcasts and had to flee in the wilderness.

The Emperor authorized persecution. Around 332, Constantine issued what is known as the Edict Against the Heretics,

Victor Constantinus, Maximus Augustus, to the heretics. “Understand now, by this present statute, ye Novatians, Valentinians, Marcionites, Paulians, ye who are called Cataphrygians, and all ye who devise and support heresies by means of your private assemblies, with what a tissue of falsehood and vanity, with what destructive and venomous errors, your doctrines are inseparably interwoven; so that through you the healthy soul is stricken with disease, and the living becomes the prey of everlasting death. Ye haters and enemies of truth and life, in league with destruction! All your counsels are opposed to the truth, but familiar with deeds of baseness; full of absurdities and fictions: and by these ye frame falsehoods, oppress the innocent, and withhold the light from them that believe. Ever trespassing under the mask of godliness, ye fill all things with defilement: ye pierce the pure and guileless conscience with deadly wounds, while ye withdraw, one may almost say, the very light of day from the eyes of men. But why should I particularize, when to speak of your criminality as it deserves demands more time and leisure than I can give? For so long and unmeasured is the catalogue of your offenses, so hateful and altogether atrocious are they, that a single day would not suffice to recount them all. And, indeed, it is well to turn one’s ears and eyes from such a subject, lest by a description of each particular evil, the pure sincerity and freshness of one’s own faith be impaired. Why then do I still bear with such abounding evil; especially since this protracted clemency is the cause that some who were sound are become tainted with this pestilent disease? Why not at once strike, as it were, at the root of so great a mischief by a public manifestation of displeasure?” (Chapter LXIV.—Constantine’s Edict against the Heretics. This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library at Calvin College).


As with the Jewish Sabbath, the observance of the Christian Sunday began with sundown on Saturday and lasted till the same time on Sunday (Slater T. Transcribed by Scott Anthony Hibbs Sunday. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XIV Copyright © 1912 by Robert Appleton Company Online Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight).

But this changed for most who observed Sunday, to a midnight to midnight observance.

Many Protestant groups seem to wish to support the agenda of Rome when it comes to Sunday. Perhaps they should consider what this will really lead to.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Sunday and Christianity Was Sunday observed by the apostolic and true post-apostolic Christians? How clearly endorsed Sunday?
The Sabbath in the Early Church and Abroad Was the seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath observed by the apostolic and post-apostolic Church? Here is a related sermon video The Christian Sabbath and How and Why to Keep It.
How to Observe the Sabbath? How should you keep the Sabbath? This is an old article by Raymond Cole, with updated information for the 21st century.
The Mark of Antichrist What is the mark of Antichrist? What have various ones claimed? Here is a link to a related sermon What is the ‘Mark of Antichrist’?
Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God differ from most Protestants How the Continuing Church of God differs from mainstream/traditional Protestants, is perhaps the question I am asked most by those without a Church of God background.
SDA/CCOG Differences: Two Horned Beast of Revelation and 666 The Continuing Church of God is NOT part of the Seventh-day Adventists. This article explains two prophetic differences, the trinity, differences in approaching doctrine, including Ellen White.
The History of Early Christianity Are you aware that what most people believe is not what truly happened to the true Christian church? Do you know where the early church was based? Do you know what were the doctrines of the early church? Is your faith really based upon the truth or compromise?

Jan-Mar 2015 BNP out: Will the Great Tribulation begin in 2015?

Thursday, January 1st, 2015

BNP Cover JAN-MAR 2015


The January-March edition of the Bible News Prophecy magazine is now available.

Here is a pdf link to the January-March 2015 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.


3 Will the Great Tribulation Begin in 2015? Many in the professing Christian world are clinging to wrong prophetic ideas and misconceptions. What does the Bible teach? What is the required sequence?

8 Internet & Radio Mobile App The Continuing Church of God now has its own Internet radio presence.

9 25 Faulty Laodicean and Fringe Views on Prophecy There are many prophetic misunderstandings that some who claim to be Church of God have held to. Those who continue to hold many of them will not understand when the Great Tribulation will begin nor when it is time to flee.

13 Study the Bible Course Test 1: This is a test related to the first four lessons of this course to help people study and better understand the Bible.

22 Do You Like to be Corrected? Be honest with yourself! Do you actually like to be corrected?

25 The Passover Plots What was the first Passover plot? Which plots have Islam and the Greco-Roman faiths perpetuated about Passover?

Here is a pdf link to the January-March 2015 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.

Here is a link to a relatively short video: Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2015?

Other items of related interest may include:

When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2015, 2016, or 2017? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2014 o 2015? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language sermon video: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives.  Here is a link to the video: Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2015?
Project Prophecy: Economic Collapse Starting in 2015? Jim Rickards once worked for the CIA and also was once part of a a USA government program called called ‘Project Prophecy.’ He has a video were he claims that starting in 2015, the USA may have economic collapse resulting in a 25-Year Great Depression. He mainly cites debt figures and claims advises alternatives to the USA dollar which he says will collapse? What did Rand Paul state? Can the USA dollar collapse?  See also ‘Project Prophecy’ 25 Year Depression
The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation.
How Will Middle East Peace be Brought About? Can humans bring peace to the Middle East? Here is a link to a related video: Middle East Peace? When?
Blood Moons and Prophecy There are four ‘blood moons’ expected in 2014 and 2015. Do they signal the Day of the Lord or the return of Jesus Christ? A related YouTube video is also available: Blood Moons, Prophecy, 2014, and 2015.

CT’s first ‘Best News of 2014’ and the Pope’s ‘Marian’ promotion

Thursday, January 1st, 2015


Mike Gendron’s January 2015 electronic newsletter arrived today.  It referred to a couple of items that I would like to cover here.

The first was related to the improperly named publication, Christianity Today (CT), which has long endorsed aspects of the ecumenical movement. Recently, it had an article titled What Was the Best News of 2014? Observers weigh in on the year’s events that will most shape evangelical life, thought, or mission. Notice the first item CT listed:

“Engagement between evangelicals and Catholics has gone to a whole new level. In June, I had a three-hour project meeting with Pope Francis—with no agenda. In my tenure, I have not seen that kind of openness. There’s a shift taking place under Francis. He seems clearly geared toward evangelicals.”
~Geoff Tunnicliffe, secretary general, World Evangelical Alliance

Gaining acceptance by the pontifex maximus of Rome is certainly NOT THE BEST NEWS OF 2014. It is a prelude to the rise of the final Babylonian system that the Bible condemns (Revelation 17-18). Yet, many within the Protestant world keep endorsing aspects of it, as has the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church who is also working towards it with Pope Francis (see Pope Francis speaks on his plans to re-establish full communion with the Eastern Orthodox).

The ecumenical movement has been going on for some time, but it seems to be accelerating and is taking many forms. For one form, watch also the video World Council of Churches Peace Plan.

More and more Protestants are supporting the Vatican’s ecumenical agenda. And some prominent ones are becoming more public about it.

I would add that my wife and I visited TBN’s ‘Holy Land Experience’ in Orlando, Florida in late 2014. Its “Church of All Nations” resembles the Coliseum in Rome and it has a display of Crouch family antiques which included a lot of Roman Catholic ornaments including what Catholics call a Monstrance. A monstrance is something used to venerate the eucharistic host that Roman Catholic use as a substitute for the type of bread Jesus used for Passover. The rounded eucharistic host that Roman Catholic use comes from paganism and not the Bible nor the practices of the early faithful Christians (documented details are in the article Marcus, the Marcosians, & Mithraism: Developers of the Eucharist?). TBN was founded by the late Paul Crouch and his son Andrew ‘Andy’ Crouch is one of the two main  editors for Christianity Today.

For the second item, Mike Gendron’s newsletter also provided a link to to the following related to the pontiff’s actions on December 8, 2014:

The pontiff known as Pope Francis led Catholics in the annual observance of the holiday, delivering an Angelus address in St. Peter’s Square.

“Oh Mary, our mother, today the people of God in celebration venerates you, the immaculate, preserved from the contagion of sin from the beginning,” he prayed. “Accept the gift I offer on behalf of the church in Rome and throughout the whole world.”

“In this time that leads us to the feast of the birth of Jesus, teach us to go against the tide,” Francis continued. “The power of God’s love, which has preserved you from original sin, freed all of humanity through your intercession from every spiritual and material slavery and made the designs of God’s salvation victorious within hearts and events.”

According to the National Catholic Register, he also declared to the crowds gathered that in Mary “there was no room for sin,” because “God had chosen her to be the mother of Jesus,” which resulted in her being preserved from “original sin.”

The pontiff later venerated the Statue of the Immaculate Conception in Rome’s Piazza di Spagna and invited others to join him. The statue was created in 1857 as a mark of the Roman Catholic belief that Mary was conceived without sin.

“I ask you to spiritually unite yourselves to me in this pilgrimage, which expresses filial devotion to our heavenly mother,” he said.

Francis also visited the Basilica of St. Mary Major, where he venerated the statue known as the Salus Populi Romani.

The concept of the “immaculate conception” was declared by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1844, who issued a proclamation stating, “The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin.”

But some state that the Roman Catholic holiday is unbiblical as there is no Scriptural basis to state that Mary was sinless, which is also noted in the Catholic Encyclopedia.

“We know from Scripture that Mary must have known she was a sinner who needed a Savior when she said, ‘My spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior’ (Luke 1:47),” Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries told Christian News Network. “The infallible word of God declares that ‘all of sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Rom. 3:23). Mary was no exception. God’s word tells us that sin entered the world through Adam, ‘and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned’ (Rom. 5:12).”

Francis also visited the Basilica of St. Mary Major, where he venerated the statue known as the Salus Populi Romani.

The concept of the “immaculate conception” was declared by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1844, who issued a proclamation stating, “The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin.”

But some state that the Roman Catholic holiday is unbiblical as there is no Scriptural basis to state that Mary was sinless, which is also noted in the Catholic Encyclopedia.

“We know from Scripture that Mary must have known she was a sinner who needed a Savior when she said, ‘My spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior’ (Luke 1:47),” Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries told Christian News Network. “The infallible word of God declares that ‘all of sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Rom. 3:23). Mary was no exception. God’s word tells us that sin entered the world through Adam, ‘and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned’ (Rom. 5:12).”

“The doctrine of Mary’s pure conception without sin is pure heresy,” he continued, adding that Catholic doctrine not only teaches that Mary was sinless, but that she has power to save. “[The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)] teaches ‘Mary did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation.’ (CCC, para. 969). ‘The Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things. In giving birth, you kept your virginity. You conceived the living God and, by your prayers, will deliver our souls from death.’ (CCC, para. 966).”

Gendron said that the CCC also instructs that Mary is ” to be praised with special devotion (CCC, para, 971) and that “[s]he was the cause of salvation for herself and the whole human race (CCC, para. 494).”

“The Catholic Church promises that all those who seek Mary’s protection will be saved for all eternity,” he stated.

Gendron, a former Roman Catholic who now leads a ministry to evangelize Catholics, stated that these teachings are unbiblical as the Scriptures give no veneration to Mary throughout her earthly life.

“These doctrines have robbed God of His glory and have resulted in Catholics showing greater devotion to Mary than to the Lord Jesus Christ,” he said. “When she appears with the other believers on the day of Pentecost, she’s not an object of worship or even a leader in the early church. There are no occasions of anyone ever praying to her, honoring her or venerating her. She is never mentioned in any presentation of the Gospel.”

Pope Francis may look like a lamb to some, but he truly speaks like a dragon (cf. Revelation 13:11). ‘Mary’ is not the way, truth, or life:

6 Jesus said: I am the Way; I am Truth and Life. No one can come to the Father except through me. (John 14:6, New Jerusalem Bible)

Note: I intentionally quoted a Catholic approved translation of the above verse to show that ALL should know that Jesus, and NOT ‘Mary’ is the way.

The Pope’s ecumenical and Marian agendas made major strides in 2014.  Although I did not watch a 60 Minutes piece about the Vatican on Sunday, a supporter who did emailed a day or so ago and commented how much the media is promoting Pope Francis.  While the mainstream media do not like all of the Pope’s agenda, they like many aspects of it:

  • Many in the mainstream like Pope Francis’ interfaith message.
  • Many in the mainstream like Pope Francis’ ecumenical message.
  • Many in the mainstream believe that peace will be come through the type of agenda that Pope Francis is pushing.
  • Many in the mainstream like Pope Francis’ tolerance of sexual-immorality message.
  • Many in the mainstream like Pope Francis’ tolerance of the homosexual agenda message.
  • Many in the mainstream like Pope Francis’ ‘class warfare’ message.
  • Many in the mainstream like Pope Francis’ tolerance of communist Cuba message.
  • Many in the mainstream like the fact that US President Barack Obama and UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon endorsed aspects of Pope Francis’s agenda in 2014.
  • Many in the mainstream like Pope Francis’ promotion of a female message.

While growing Protestant acceptance of Pope Francis’ agenda is NOT THE BEST NEWS ITEM OF 2014, prophetically-speaking, it is an important development.

The ‘City of Seven Hills’ (cf. Revelation 17:9,18 NIV) and her offspring (Revelation 17:5) are planning on getting together further.  The Bible condemns this city as well as the Babylonian system that it promotes and warns Christians not to be part of it (Revelation 18:4-8).  The Bible also warns about a ‘Virgin Lady’ that engages in enchantments and sorceries (Isaiah 47) that those who promote false Marian apparitions endorse.

Protestants, Catholics, the Eastern Orthodox, and others should not support this.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Beware: Protestants Going Towards Ecumenical Destruction! What is going on in the Protestant world? Are Protestants turning back to their ‘mother church’ in Rome? Does the Bible warn about this? What are Catholic plans and prophecies related to this? Is Protestantism doomed? watch the video Charismatic Kenneth Copeland and Anglican Tony Palmer: Protestants Beware! and World Council of Churches Peace Plan.
Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God differ from most Protestants How the real Church of God differs from mainstream/traditional Protestants, is perhaps the question I am asked most by those without a Church of God background. As far as some changes affecting Protestantism, watch the video Charismatic Kenneth Copeland and Anglican Tony Palmer: Protestants Beware!
Why Should American Catholics Fear Unity with the Orthodox? Are the current ecumenical meetings a good thing or will they result in disaster? Is doctrinal compromise good? Here is a link to a related video Should you be concerned about the ecumenical movement?
Which Is Faithful: The Roman Catholic Church or the Continuing Church of God? Do you know that both groups shared a lot of the earliest teachings? Do you know which church changed? Do you know which group is most faithful to the teachings of the apostolic church? Which group best represents true Christianity? This documented article answers those questions.
Some Similarities and Differences Between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Continuing Church of God Both groups claim to be the original church, but both groups have differing ways to claim it. Both groups have some amazing similarities and some major differences. Do you know what they are?
Orthodox Must Reject Unity with the Roman Catholics Unity between these groups will put them in position to be part of the final end time Babylon that the Bible warns against as well as require improper compromise.
United Nations: Humankind’s Last Hope or New World Order? Is the UN the last hope for humanity? Or might its goals end up with sinister results? A related video would be United Nations and Vatican Are Planning the New World Order.
The Similarities and Dissimilarities between Martin Luther and Herbert W. Armstrong This article clearly shows some of the doctrinal differences between in the two. At this time of doctrinal variety and a tendency by many to accept certain aspects of Protestantism, the article should help clarify why the genuine Church of God is NOT Protestant. Do you really know what the Protestant Reformer Martin Luther taught and should you follow his doctrinal example? Here is a related sermon video: Martin Luther and Herbert Armstrong: Reformers with Differences.
Sola Scriptura or Prima Luther? What Did Martin Luther Really Believe About the Bible? Though he is known for his public sola Scriptura teaching, did Martin Luther’s writings about the Bible suggest he felt that prima Luther was his ultimate authority? Statements from him changing and/or discounting 18 books of the Bible are included. Do you really want to know the truth?
The Dangerous Rise of Preterists Has the Great Tribulation finished? What was the view of early Christians? Why is the preterist view dangerous? A related sermon video is titled Preterism: You’ve Gotta Be Kidding…Right?
Could Pope Francis be the Last Pope and Antichrist? Former Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is now Pope Francis. According to some interpretations of the prophecies of the popes by the Catholic saint and Bishop Malachy, Pope Francis is in the position of “Peter the Roman,” the pontiff who reigns during tribulations until around the time of the destruction of Rome. Do biblical prophecies warn of someone that sounds like Peter the Roman? Could Francis be the heretical antipope of Catholic private prophecies and the final Antichrist of Bible prophecy? Could a Jesuit be “the black pope”?
Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy? Pope Francis has taken many steps to turn people more towards his version of ‘Mary.’ Could this be consistent with biblical and Catholic prophecies? This article documents what has been happening. There is also a video version titled Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy?
Where is the True Christian Church Today? This free online pdf booklet answers that question and includes 18 proofs, clues, and signs to identify the true vs. false Christian church. Plus 7 proofs, clues, and signs to help identify Laodicean churches. A related sermon is also available: Where is the True Christian Church? Here is a link to the booklet in the Spanish language: ¿Dónde está la verdadera Iglesia cristiana de hoy?
Continuing History of the Church of God This pdf booklet is a historical overview of the true Church of God and some of its main opponents from c. 31 A.D. to 2014. A related sermon link would be Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D. Marque aquí para ver el pdf folleto: Continuación de la Historia de la Iglesia de Dios.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.

Eurasian Union officially starts today

Thursday, January 1st, 2015

The Eurasian Union (EAU), also known as the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), officially started today.

The nations of Russia (including Crimea), Belarus, and Kazakhstan are now part of that economic union (e.g.  While Armenia is in the process of joining and Kyrgyzstan plans to join probably next year.

While Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has wanted Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and others to be in it, he now has the start of the union he has wanted for some time.

For years, I have reported about the plan for Putin’s Eurasian Union.  And although it is not often discussed in the mainstream network news programs in the USA (I actually have never once seen it mentioned on television news in the USA–though it may well be today), this union is consistent with the start of the type of end time Eurasian military confederation that the Bible tells will form:

The New Testament shows that a group of nations known as the Kings of the East will form:

12 Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 15 Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” 16 And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon (Revelation 16:12-16).

Note: The literal translation of Revelation 16:12 is “the kings of the sunrise” and thus this would seem to also include China, Japan, Korea, Indochina (including Vietnam), Indonesia, and other lands (since Indonesia is Islamic, it is likely to wish much closer alignment with the Chinese in the end after the King of the North overwhelms the Islamic King of the South per Daniel 11:40-43). India is also likely one of those kings.

Notice something from the old Plain Truth magazine:

These seven plagues, designed to bring humanity to repentance, are pictured symbolically as seven vials, or small vessels holding liquids. These vials are “poured out” upon a corrupted earth by seven angels. Tragically, mankind as a whole will still refuse to repent of sin!

The sixth of these vials or plagues is described in Revelation 16: 12 and introduces us to Armageddon: “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”

The Euphrates River rises in Turkey and flows southeastward for some 1,700 miles through Syria and Iraq, ultimately emptying into the Arabian or Persian Gulf. Across this riverbed will come the “kings of the east” and their armies — a prophesied . . . Eurasian confederacy. This confederacy will have certain geopolitical goals motivating their military offensive. But an unperceived, behind-the-scenes influence will be the ultimate motivation underlying their actions. Notice: Revelation 16:14 reveals that it will be demonic spirits that will influence “the kings of the earth and of the whole world” to gather for battle. These spirits are fallen angels who followed Lucifer (Satan) in his rebellion against God (Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28:12-17; Rev. 12:4). They will stir up this world’s leaders to prepare for war. (Stump K. Just What Do You Mean – ARMAGEDDON? Plain Truth, June 1985)

Notice something about this from the late Herbert W. Armstrong:

The second woe, with its symbols of horses and horsemen…and is also referred to as an event in the Day OF THE Eternal in Joel 2:4. This refers to a tremendous military power–also to the NORTH–due north! They come with an army of two hundred million! Think of it–an army of two hundred million! World events are now moving rapidly to make possible a Communist Eurasian army of that unbelievable manpower! (Armstrong HW. The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last! 1972 edition. p. 38-39).

It should be noted that all of that Eurasian army does not need to be ‘communist’ (though most of the lands that Herbert Armstrong referred to were communist when he wrote that).

Notice what Joel 2 indicates some of what that two hundred million man army will do:

2…A people come, great and strong, The like of whom has never been; Nor will there ever be any such after them,Even for many successive generations. 3 A fire devours before them, And behind them a flame burns; The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, And behind them a desolate wilderness; Surely nothing shall escape them. 4 Their appearance is like the appearance of horses;And like swift steeds, so they run. 5 With a noise like chariotsOver mountaintops they leap, Like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble, Like a strong people set in battle array. 6 Before them the people writhe in pain; All faces are drained of color. 7 They run like mighty men, They climb the wall like men of war; Every one marches in formation, And they do not break ranks. 8 They do not push one another;Every one marches in his own column. Though they lunge between the weapons, They are not cut down. 9 They run to and fro in the city, They run on the wall; They climb into the houses, They enter at the windows like a thief. (Joel 2:2-9)

That massive army will cause fear and massive destruction!

Russia, with a border that extends east to the Pacific ocean, would appear to be one of the Kings of the East. There will be an end-time confederation of Asian nations with some European involvement that will be part of this eastern confederation. Other biblical prophecies suggests lands like Ukraine will also be involved (see also Russia: Its Origins and Prophesied Future).

In the Book of Jeremiah, for example, it is shown that a northern people (which most logically would seem to be Russia) will be part of the force that concerns and then eventually invades, end time Babylon (which will be a European power):

50:41 “Behold, a people shall come from the north,
And a great nation and many kings
Shall be raised up from the ends of the earth.
42 They shall hold the bow and the lance;
They are cruel and shall not show mercy.
Their voice shall roar like the sea;
They shall ride on horses,
Set in array, like a man for the battle,
Against you, O daughter of Babylon.

43 “The king of Babylon has heard the report about them,
And his hands grow feeble;
Anguish has taken hold of him,
Pangs as of a woman in childbirth…”(Jeremiah 50:41-43).

3 O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal…6 from the far north and all its troops–many people are with you (Ezekiel 38:3,6).

Thus, the European empire (the “daughter of Babylon”) is to be destroyed by a northern (apparently Russian led) force. And probably one that cooperates with nations in the East, as well as maybe Iran, and possibly the Ukraine. (While the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 is later, the fact that it refers to the peoples of the FAR NORTH shows that there is a power further north than the final European King of the North of Daniel 11).

Notice that a people from the north (Russia in this case) will be part of a confederation of many kings raised up from the ends of the earth.  These “ends of the earth” kings would seemingly have to include Asian nations such as India and China, which while not currently part of the Eurasian Union, are already involved with many military and trade agreements with Russia, hence by extension have some connection to this new Eurasian Union.

World events continue to align with properly understood biblical prophecy.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

The Eurasian Union, the Kings of the East, and Bible Prophecy Is there a Eurasian union that will be formed? Is one being formed right now? Are any leaders working on that in the 21st century? Does the Bible teach that there will be a Eurasian union? If some type of Eurasian union is formed, who might it benefit and who will it destroy? A related video would be Is The Eurasian Union Rising?
Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future Russia in prophecy. Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? There is also a video sermon available: Russia in the Bible and in Prophecy and a video sermonette available: Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
Ezekiel 38: For Russia & Iran in Our Day? Is Ezekiel 38 about to be fulfilled? A related video is available titled Ezekiel 38: For Russia, Ukraine, & Iran Now?
Asia in Prophecy What is Ahead for Asia? Who are the “Kings of the East”? What will happen to nearly all the Chinese, Russians, Indians, and others of Asia? China in prophecy, where? Who has the 200,000,000 man army related to Armageddon? A YouTube video of interest may be Is China THE Threat to the United States of America?